Storage Auctions
The Storage Locker => The Lounge => Topic started by: Travis on December 26, 2012, 10:02:45 AM
Here is a tip that might make some of you some quick cash this week.
Academy and other major sporting goods stores order big ticket items like pool tables, air hokey tables and other large items during the holidays. They usually don't stock these items throughout the year, so right after Christmas, they put them on clearance for 50% off. I usually buy about ten pool tables since they are only $150 each and then I put them on Craigslist for $350. Sometimes I'll even deliver and set up the pool table for another $150, since they only take a few hours to put together.
If you're interested in doing this, you better get there quick because they will probably all be gone by the 31st.
nice tip !
Don't know if the coupon or deal is still on but online there is (was?) a $75 off Phillips Norelco 3D razor.
Walmart has (had?) them on sale for $119. Comes to $44, normally $149-$219 depending where you go.
Didn't even ebay. Sold them all in a day on Craigslist for $100/ea.
Having so much to do and December being so slow I went back to old schooling it....
Signed up at three focas group companies and University medical research.
Already got a call back on two focus groups.
I have found that focas groups will call a LOT but you never qualify after the 10min interview.
I'm pretty sure he interview WAS the focas group. They only need the survey.....
Also ordered shirt & tie combos and just ties in bulk. Go hustle them to all the salesmen at the car lots as I make my rounds looking for wholesale cars.
And packed up golf balls into egg cartons. (Got two 5gal buckets free at estate sales). Sell those for $3/doz.
Pretty much to the point of selling my blood these days..... ::)
Pretty much to the point of selling my blood these days.....
You get more money for plasma. ;D
Oh, yeah....that's what I meant.
I'm actually more bored than in need of money.
I don't think selling plasma would cure my boredom.... How much do they give for plasma these days? Really don't have much else going on.....would get me out of the house......hmmmmm.
I think it's about $35 per donation. Double that in wealthy areas or if you have a rare blood type. You can usually donate twice a week. Takes about an hour and you get a buzz at the end when they let the processed part return to your body. You will also get tested for all types of blood disorders for free. You know that you don't have anything if they call you back in the following week.
If you're really that bored, you could always overpay for a storage unit and hope for the best. ;D
If you're really that bored, you could always overpay for a storage unit and hope for the best. ;D
Oh, I've totally bid on lockers 'just because'.
Sadly the best I've won has been the "sure it's two dusty boxes and a dead cat but its only $35 bucks and I'm bored......"
And packed up golf balls into egg cartons. (Got two 5gal buckets free at estate sales). Sell those for $3/doz.
WOW!! That is old school!! When I was a teenager, I use to roam around in the woods by the golf course collecting lost balls, sometimes get my snorkeling mask and cruise the lakes too. I would take them to the flea market and sell them. Looks like the price of used golf balls hasn't risen much in 20 years!
The classics never die. ;)
Looked into plasma donation. I might do it just cause they pay $100 bonus for people that have had recent tetanus shots! Two days, two hours each, for $170? Why not? And all the juice you can drink? Come on!! I LOVE juice!
Downside: They keep a sample and put you in a national registry......sounds to me like covert Government DNA collection scheme to me. Probably inject nano probes back into you to track you and read your thoughts!
What? ......My love for conspiracy theories go to far this time?
4 hours a week while sitting in a chair watching TV - now that's a job my wife is qualified for! :D
*****NEWS FLASH!!*****
-Administrator of 'Storage Auction Forums', Aka 'Travis', found living in storage unit.
Sources say Travis recently disappeared after posted defamatory remarks on the forum about his wife, name not disclosed. Travis disappeared late Friday and thought to be dead based on police photo's of the disarray of his home. Police speculated only a horrific crime could have occurred. Further investigation proved that most storage auction buyers homes are in this condition and they begun a search. Travis was found later that day sleeping in a storage unit with multiple cats. Police tried to turn Travis over to his wife but he insisted on going to jail under protective custody.
Police were also working a theory Travis's disappearance might be related to not paying royalties to other forum members for the use of the idea for a title of a book by Travis; yet to be published.
******Developing Story**********
I would love to fake my own disappearance but I love my daughter too much. :-X
nice tip, yeah im also always on lookout for in store deals whether it be store closings, clearance items, etc. another tip Target has a nieman markus lines of dresses right now normally a couple hundred bucks like $29. im actually going to pick a few up today and resell on ebay or cl