Storage Auctions

Value Vilage Picks

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Value Vilage Picks
« on: April 13, 2012, 10:49:28 PM »
Hit VV right as new stock was coming out.

Best find was a Kenneth Cole Reaction wool over coat for $20. Tried on and original tag was still attached to sleeve for $625!  Will hold it for 6 months and decide if I want to be warm and fashionable or make a few bucks.

Also found a 1/8oz-5lb postal scale for $2.99.

An average style phone stand with leather inlay top for $5.99. Have some brass fittings I'm going to replace the faux brass with, clean it up and CL it for $20.
It looks like a 50's style piece but think it's newer. But all fitted together, no screws.
If I can figure out the age I'll adjust price.

Got a few nice looking watches for $2/ea. Girl at flea market is always looking for watches and so will use those to do a little bartering.

Same goes for copper pans I got for a total of $12.
Booth down from watch girl liked those and hope to trade for more of his antique furniture hardware.

With voucher I had for donation it all came to $22.87. 
Nothing that's going to make me much but will break even at minimum plus get some supplies for future endeavors....,

I was just happy to get out and get some action going no matter how small.

Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2012, 11:01:57 PM »
Nice score - looks like you're not "outta stuff" now!   ;)  

Good luck!

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Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2012, 11:45:07 PM »

Yeah, roll'n in inventory!  A $20 phone stand and a winter coat that should sell o'so fast this time of year! lol

I'm really scratching my head on getting something going. Just the two hours out today killed me pain wise. Auctions are out. No way I can empty one.
Craiglstauction was gracious enough to offer up some broken phones to practice fixing, unlocking....
Got the rocks and crystals in Alaska thing but, again, bit to physical to do much with them so stock piling choice stuff and sell off rough stuff.
Couple other things in works but nothing to brag about.

Thinking of heading down to Dallas for a few weeks and doing some picking. That stuff sold well up here in the NW last time.

Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2012, 02:11:32 AM »
I'm just trying to imagine you trying on that coat with an immobilized arm!! (great find, btw!)

Even normal activities seem like a trial.

Hang in there, brother!!

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Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 06:06:51 AM »
I'm just trying to imagine you trying on that coat with an immobilized arm!! (great find, btw!)

Yes that would have been a sight.  ;)

Glad you got out. I would go crazy with the limited movement.

Sounds like you hit a few scores to keep you occupied.

As Matches said hang in there.

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Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 09:10:16 AM »

Glad I can at least amuse you all with my antics.     ;D

Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 04:26:41 PM »

Glad I can at least amuse you all with my antics.     ;D

Unlike money, I wasn't thinking about the entertainment value, but I suppose we all know how mean she can get.  :P

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Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2012, 05:02:48 PM »
Unlike money, I wasn't thinking about the entertainment value, but I suppose we all know how mean she can get.  :P

Hey now.......

I almost fell out of my chair laughing on that one, could have become a one arm bandit myself.  ;D

Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2012, 08:20:19 PM »
Happy to give you a chuckle, money.   :)

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Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2012, 11:29:46 AM »
Yesterdays picks were slim.
Checked out the goodwill distribution center and their prices were ridiculous!
Furniture was close to retail. Even clothes were high. Pair of true religion jeans, heavily worn, were $75! New at The Rack are on sale for $125.
Then hit Salvation Army. Got a suit for $30 that fits perfect, looks brand new. Retails for $279.
Ronco rotisery, brand new in box, for $5.
Put a hold on an antique wardrob thats $100. Took a million picks and put on craigslist and showing antique guy today. Haven't got a single response so if guy doesn't want I'll cancel hold.
Really nice and they only want $100. Know I can get more in time and even not I'd love to have it myself but simply don't have the room for it!

I'm really trying to figure out how goodwill, salvation, value village come up with pricing.
Some things are way low while others over the top high.  They had the exact table I own for $400....that's what I paid new ten years ago!
But then they have brand new small appliances for $5-$10? The wardrobe for $100 when all over town they are $400-600, some up over $1000...

And no one buy a "that's $75 all day" shop vac from the Storage Wars people.
Goodwill has 100's them for under $15!   lol

Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2012, 10:46:37 PM »
Sometimes I think they price by dartboard.there doesn't seem a ryhme or reason.I'll hit Goodwill tomorrow for Monday Madness.

Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2012, 11:40:53 PM »
Sometimes I think they price by dartboard.there doesn't seem a ryhme or reason.I'll hit Goodwill tomorrow for Monday Madness.

It is fairly random and varies pretty wide by location, as well.

I bought a couple items recently. A new sealed tin of pokemon cards for $3 and a set of Roger Waters The Wall concert exclusive pins for $1.

I bought them both, but it just surprises me what the person pricing sees as more valuable.

The pins already sold on ebay for $16.

Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2012, 09:06:40 AM »
In my area the Goodwill is normally picked pretty clean.  All the stores are 90% cloths, with some furniture items and random stuff tossed in.  As for prices - I agree with the dartboard idea.  There seems to be very little methodalogy to the prices.  Heck - one of the furniture items I donated I couldn't sell at $50.  Two weeks after I donated it, they have it on the floor for $125.  The next week it was gone - so someone must of bought it for $125.  Just boggles the mind at times.

My caravan auction was dismal this week so I hit some yardsales saturday, and did the same thing previous saturday.  My picks for the two saturdays were as follows:

Last week:
Bookcase - $5 (was for wife)
50 CDs (various artist + metal stand they were on) - $25

Army footlocker w/ bunch of wires, remotes, cutting disk - $15   
Copper berry strainer - $3
60 CDs (various artist, mostly country) - $30

Can make money on the footlocker as people always wanted to buy my trunks I use for storage at the flea.  Plus, the big mason saw blades look new and retail for $5 to $15 each.  On top of a few other new items I found in the trunk.  The CDs sell for $2 each at the flea.  I had sold most of my CDs still in cases.  Only have a spindle of loose CDs and Movies that I sell for $1.  Not getting many bites on those so figure will try the CD rack and all these different CDs.  Small gamble if they sell or not.

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Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2012, 09:35:10 AM »
No Value Village in my area (central California) but Goodwill and Salvation Army are big.

Goodwill not so good in my immediate area. They have a connection with some commercial supplier as they have a couple of aisles of new (lower end) stuff. Lots of clothes of course and smaller amount of hard goods.

Salvation Army on the other hand has a nice store BUT in the last few months they have been checking stuff out on eBay and elsewhere.

In one case a PLYCRAFT brand chair and ottoman was priced at $650. That's what they MIGHT sell for on eBay. The next day I looked at it and they had posted a printout showing a pair of them on eBay for $1450...thus justifying their $650 price I guess.  Third day I looked it was still there, but the next day it was gone, so someone bought it at some price.

I also saw a really pristine, fancy wheelchair they were asking $800 for. When I asked about it they said I could have it for $500.

Once in a while they miss and I have picked up some good items from $5 to $25 that have sold for $50 to $100.
That would be on smaller items for the most part.

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Re: Value Vilage Picks
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2012, 11:48:23 AM »
That must be what our goodwills are doing. Price checking.
I was doing okay selling chairs but now all the thrift stores have them marked at retail.
Some still have a margin but not big enough to play the odds.

I've even noticed that CL is pretty slim on 'free' furniture and the 'antique' section is up.
Tho most aren't antiques, just old.

I'm not an expert at antiques in the slightest but I'm pretty sure, and I could be wrong here, that if a piece was sold at Ikea.... not antique. lol

My favorite is the ad's that say 'antique looking....'
What does that even mean!?  Been sitting outside in rain and sun and is worn and cracking?

And how did I take this post from value village finds to a rant on CL listings?
Sorry about that.

What are some of your best picks ?

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