Storage Auctions

WTB: model trains! Lionel, MTH, American Flyer; any gauge, O, HO, N

WTB: model trains! Lionel, MTH, American Flyer; any gauge, O, HO, N

If you find trains in a unit send me a e-mail! Top prices paid, no eBay fees and buyer trouble. Send any details and pictures if possible.

Thanks for your time.

Re: WTB: model trains! Lionel, MTH, American Flyer; any gauge, O, HO, N
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2011, 09:54:54 AM »
Sure, but what if you find some items and dont know what they are worth, or worse you think you've figure it out (ebay/books) and are wrong.....

All that does is piss off future collectors and risk a bad rep.  

The collector community is a small one and word gets around fast. (that goes for trains, coins, cars, guitars, etc....)

Ive been doing this 20+ years,  so when buyer asks me questions, I say the right things and because of my reputation I always get top dollar.

You can take 6 months or a 1 year to sell an item an only make 500 (plus if you use ebay, then bend over and let ebay have a some fun with you and some of your cash.

Or you can sell the same item to be for 500 and have the money now.

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