Storage Auctions

$5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More

$5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:32:26 PM »
Bought a unit for $5 with seven full black trash bags, nothing else. It was very clean- not one piece of trash in the unit, just the 7 Hefty Bags, which were closed.

When I loaded them onto the truck, there was definitely some weight to the bags, and I knew it wasn't all clothes. On about the fourth bag, there was a 14K gold charm bracelet in between two pieces of clothing.

At 55+ grams, it has just over one ounce of pure gold. These people were world travelers, and purchased a gold charm everywhere they went. There also was a lot of high-end perfume and makeup, which was mostly unused.

Did I mention there was $35 in Euros and $12 in US coins in there as well?? And the clothes were mostly very nice.

Re: $5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 06:39:49 PM »
Nice! Congrats on your find! But there should be a disclaimer.. Results not typical.. I'm all about the $5 units! If you can't make money on a $5 unit, than you should just go flip burgers.

Re: $5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2013, 08:46:58 PM »
Don't I know it. I've been doing this 10 years, and the best advice I can give someone is to not focus on large units. The huge spenders will "duke it out" on them, and most of the time, lose money.

I have bought over 400 units, and the most I have ever spent on one is $575 + one month's rent. And it's a big money maker. KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!

Offline MovieMan

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Re: $5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2013, 09:28:05 PM »
Don't I know it. I've been doing this 10 years, and the best advice I can give someone is to not focus on large units. The huge spenders will "duke it out" on them, and most of the time, lose money.

I have bought over 400 units, and the most I have ever spent on one is $575 + one month's rent. And it's a big money maker. KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!

You and I have been doing it about the same length of time and I pretty much agree with what you said above. However in my area spending $575 on a locker now will get you pretty much what you could have gotten for $250 over two years ago.

Sure there are good ones all the way from $5 to $600 and if one looks carefully and has a certain amount of luck thrown in there can be great if not adequate rewards.

I hardly buy ANY lockers anymore preferring to "pick", and the last couple I have bought have only been in the $100 range and came out OK.  It's one thing to have the money (whether it's $500 or $1,000 or more) and it's another to decide to spend the big bucks. In my area the crowds are going down somewhat; if the prices start to fall too that will be great, but the regulars are hungry for inventory and some are paying for it.

Offline Alias300

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Re: $5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 01:26:21 PM »
I've been attending a lot more but go not intending to bid.  I'm more watching crowd and prices.
Of course I bring money and evaluate each unit.  But they have to be pretty good for me to bid.

What I've noticed in my area is prices are dropping dramatically for large and/or packed units.
Price are still high but no more $750+ unit after unit.  Average (for what I've attended) is $250-$450.

Tho, while large units are coming down the small or empty-ish units are holding.  With the few exceptions you can't get a unit for less than $75-$100.   There has been a few for $15-$30 but real gambles or total trash (or smell like rat piss and have a bunch of mattresses)

Even those units like described above (7 trash bags) are going for $50

Think the best I've seen cheap was for $65.  Contents: guitar case (possibly guitar?), milk crate of comic books in sleeves  and a gym bag.

There was possibilities for a score (or at least a profit) but I went to $60 and bailed out.  Without coming across anything special, just bidding on what I saw,  I figured max sales at maybe $100.

Re: $5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 01:27:34 PM »
In my area the crowds are going down somewhat; if the prices start to fall too that will be great, but the regulars are hungry for inventory and some are paying for it.

Couldn't be more true. The regulars are itching for inventory and are willing to give up some profit margin to get their bin! I think this will change with time.. as the crowds shrink and the regulars start thinking profit margins again.

Offline Cobia

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Re: $5 Trashbag Unit Yields Gold Charm Bracelet & More
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 05:36:23 PM »
Nice! Congrats on your find! But there should be a disclaimer.. Results not typical.. I'm all about the $5 units! If you can't make money on a $5 unit, than you should just go flip burgers.

I've lost money on a $5 unit before :'(

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