Storage Auctions

Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!

Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:57:19 AM »
Had a great time today, picked up three units (one for $5 and one for $20, both clean, zero trash, with salable items inside) but my really BIG haul was the inventory from a   gamer's card shop I picked up for $500. Everyone was looking at the boxes and saying "those look like Pizza boxes", but I recognized them because my son plays Magic and he has several boxes just like it.

I could see Magic cards stacked in little piles around the room, professional shelving, and nice, new white boxes all stacked neatly. Took a chance, came up with brand new  figurines, models, graphic novels, gamer's books, and some really nice signed gamer's artwork. Not sure of the best way to sell it all yet, will be calling local shops and cruising eBay today to see. There must be several thousand Magic cards, all in boxes and many of them in plastic sheaths. My son was pretty upset when we opened the boxes, most of the "rares" appear to have been removed before-hand. But there is still a market for all these great cards, I don't think I will have any trouble selling them.

My one trouble is that there is a HUGE collection of "Legends" cards that apparently aren't popular anymore. Not sure how I can sell those, any advice would be appreciated!

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2012, 11:45:57 AM »
Wow, I registered just to answer your thread.  Legands are still very popular with collectors, just like sports cards there are collectors of MTG.  The older the cards are the more they will sell for.
To sell these, E-Bay would be the best venue.  Just figure in the listing, final value and paypal fees.  But MTG cards are a great seller!!
Before my current job I would buy lockers here in the Chicago area, always wanted to run across a locker like this!!
If there are sealed packs, DON'T OPEN THEM!!!  A sealed pack from Alpha or Beta can go for $200 or more and even unlimited is in the $100 range.  Same with sealed boxes, leave them sealed and the bidder will bid them up for you!!


Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2012, 05:14:39 PM »
Thanks, Marty! I really appreciate the info. I'll list the Legends stuff on eBay and see what happens.
Yes this unit has been fun. There was also a bag with 32 silver dollars and other bags with Susan B Anthony's and quarters, dimes, etc, a stereo with speakers, laptop (broken), computer games, a game cube, Nintendo games, some great T-shirts, a decent couch, shelving and a display case (already sold that), comics, a lot of "rules" books in hardback, fantasy novels (Terry Brooks, stuff like that), a stack of McFarlane's Dragons, packages of plastic sheaths for the cards, dice, etc. I'll be here a while listing it all.

The "common" cards might be hard to get rid of, a box of 3000 or so weighs a lot, not sure I'd want to ship them.

PS- I should have said the Legends cards are "Legends of the Five Rings", not the Magic Legends. I also have "Dark Heaven Legends figurines. You can see now why my son is disappointed, he was looking for Magic Legends. I still think I can sell these. There's a market for everything, just have to find it.

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 12:28:25 PM »
All I can say is GRATZ!!!!!!   and I now hate you  :P

32 silver dollars and other bags with Susan B Anthony's and quarters, dimes - look at these very closely.  I suspect they have numastic value if it was part of the card shop inventory.  If need take pictures and send me a link.  I have current price books for US and World coins.

Are the coins in rolls, tubes, or just in a bag?  Susan B's you can still get at banks but depending on the quality of them they may have a premium or just worth face value.  Look for a "S" mark on those.  If you want to go all the way you should wear cotton gloves, or the fingertip covers you can buy now a days.

As for the magic cards - WOW.  I still have some but most of mine I sold years ago.  Your best bet is going to be either to sell cards by lots or singles.  If you think most of the rare cards are out I'd just make up lots of cards and sell them.  Do some research on ebay as to how things have sold and how much.

Gratz again man.

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2012, 10:40:47 AM »
Thanks, craigslistauction, I had no idea about the coins. Yeah the shop keeper was meticulous about everything from stock to care of his personal items. The coins were in a cloth bag.

I'm swamped with all this stuff, appreciate all the tips.I have a tote box of binders with Legends of the Five Rings cards inside. My son tells me no one plays that anymore, but eBay says differently. Also have L5R original art, certified, which is also selling on eBay. Doing my research on the shipping at the moment. USPS flat-rate is looking like my best bet so far.

I'll update this thread when I start to move the product.
Again, thanks!

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2012, 09:16:47 AM »
Once you figure out how you want to sale your stuff and depending on where you are located USPS is about the cheapest way to go for under 50 lbs.  I use a mix of flat rate boxes and normal boxes I pick up from work.  It all depends on the weight and distance.

My gas grates that are heavy but will fit in a mid size flat rate is shipped like that.  Even in my local state to ship it in other boxes is $9 for normal shipping.  This way I pay $10.15 (think is higher w/ the rate inc $10.35) and can offier priority shipping.  Another trick you can do is look at the flat rate regional boxes.  Those can be cheaper with larger boxes then the 3 normal flat rate sizes the post office pushes.

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2012, 08:09:03 PM »
Sounds like a GREAT haul man.....Kudos to ya.

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2012, 04:00:59 AM »
Thanks, Lockerfreq!
Been buried with researching everything. The Warhammer metal miniatures are selling really well on eBay, I've almost burned through the three boxes I had of those.

Had an easy $45 come to me last week- it turns out eBay will buy back used and broken electronics. I found an old iPod 4G in the unit, even with a cracked screen eBay gave me $45 plus a pre-printed paid shipping label. Can't beat that.

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2012, 10:56:28 AM »
I have a tote box of binders with Legends of the Five Rings cards inside.

Ahhhh, I thought you were talking about the Magic the gathering Legends series.  I was hoping that is what you had because there is some serious cash there.  As for what you have, dump them as a lot on EBay.

To the coins, If the dollars are Ikes, then you need to see if they are the ones with silver in them.  If they are business strike clad coins, you might as well spend them.  There were no silver SBAs at all, so they are just spending material.

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2012, 10:31:54 AM »
    Not sure if you still have the Magic the Gathering  cards or not. But I have sold a lot of cards to Ive sold thousands of cards to them and never had a problem.

Re: Bought a Gamer's Card Shop!
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2012, 03:10:11 AM »
Thanks, Smitty, I'll look them up.

I had some Warlord cards mixed in there, too, sold them for $200 or so, so far.
L5R is releasing a new series this year, I might get lucky there too. Already sold two of the original card art paintings I had. Each one brought $75. Not too bad.

Thanks again for the tip!

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