that sounds great. Glad you have the patience for your return. And not a "greedy buyer" Will be sharing the wealth buy waiting to buy another unit.

We all have to live and learn in the beginning and sometimes even the pro's get burned part of the business. Our 1st bad unit is a little in the black with a table left to sell. Fortunately we bought two that day at the same place or would have been really bad applying all the gas.

So Movieman that is how you get your pictures so big. Not sure I can follow the mud.

To attach pics the other way, When you post Left hand side Additional Options (in blue) Open it buy clicking on it and it has an attach Line just click browse and find your pic they have to be small though.
On the fabric and craft supplies remember women can not resist it. Even I bought a tote of silk flowers at a yard sale

I used some of it to make up three wreathes (also bought at yard sale) Hopefully will break even on the $ definitely not on the time.

Took some old yarn to the Flea had 20 women look at it, and had to touch it. Didn't sell to fine of a yarn (why I am trying to get rid of it) even tried the pitch it makes great eco friendly shopping bags.

But fabric is a feel thing. @ Cheeshead would be great if there is trick to it. When recovery chairs digging through my totes of material husband says "that color would look good" me "yes but I don't like the feel of it for a chair."
good luck and sounds like you have done your homework.
Oh and your numbers look a little funny
Spent $860

?? Or did you pay your buddy to help you? Not that I do better I find mistakes in my spreads all the time.