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Got a unit on Friday

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Got a unit on Friday
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2011, 10:56:11 AM »
Anyone on here have trouble moving higher end furniture/items?  My dilemma is, do I hold out for a high price, or sell it at a quick price?  I have the couch/love seat on CList for $800.  In the 10 lockers I have bought, none of them had higher end items, so I guess I'm new to this aspect of the biz.

There are several people on the forum (and in my area) who would advise you to sell the items cheaper to clear the inventory and make room for more. Usually, these are folks who buy a dozen a month (or even a week) and who NEED to clear up room on a regular basis.

I think you have the answer already and just need confirmation. Considering the lack of room and the price you paid for the lkr, selling a little cheaper seems like the right idea. I don't know how you have grouped the furniture at the 800 level, but if you have several groupings you could reduce the price on one and see how quickly it went, and then follow suit on the other groups or not.

Basically, with the quality and quantity you got, you have some options. Only you can decide how much you need out of the items and the working space you have.

Offline ZoSo

Re: Got a unit on Friday
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2011, 12:21:10 PM »
Thanks for the rational response Movieman.  I'm also asking the question for potential future complications.  Once the school year ends I plan on trying this full time over the summer instead of teaching summer school as I have in years past.  I'm counting down the days until freedom from middle school kids.  It's nice to have resources and people with more experience provide insight into the grind that this profession employs.  My plan, subject to change, is to attempt to get a unit a week this summer, so I will need to know the tricks and insight to rollover inventory quickly without cutting my profits short. 

Offline ZoSo

Re: Got a unit on Friday
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2011, 09:20:29 PM »

Sold the couch and loveseat for $700
Bedroom set sold tonight for $650
Dining Room Set sold tonight for $300
Coffee Table and End Tables have a sale pending for tomorrow night after work for $300

True Religion Jeans have 1 bid for $29.99 with 11 watchers
XBOX w/2 controllers + 8 games Lot-No bids but 5 watchers.  Should get $20-$30

Still have:
55" TV: Haven't listed it yet.
2 Chrome glass tower have listed for $80 on CList

Profit thus far: 1,980-$230 for unit-$30 Gas= $1,720 in 4 days!!!  That's more than I will make coaching baseball this spring.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Got a unit on Friday
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2011, 09:34:00 PM »
Over time I know this locker will pay off, but I'm worried about the time it will take to find buyers for the higher end items.  The last unit I got, the "Dungeons and Dragons" unit I got for $5 (I made a topic on it if you were wondering) was great in the fact I got rid of 90% of the items within a week.  I lack a lot of space to store items, which I why I try to only buy one unit a month. 

Anyone on here have trouble moving higher end furniture/items?  My dilemma is, do I hold out for a high price, or sell it at a quick price?  I have the couch/love seat on CList for $800.  In the 10 lockers I have bought, none of them had higher end items, so I guess I'm new to this aspect of the biz.

Honestly that is only something you can decide, everyone has different dilemas. Although yours sounds similar to mine. I to have limited space. But this is what I would do, go ahead and rent a unit, somewhere cheap and close, dont want to dig into your profit margin to much. Make sure you have things priced at a good resell value for it. If it is worth it, people will see it and pay up. However that is a gamble onto itself. But that is just me. Why sell a $3,000 dollar piece in excellent shape for $200 just to get rid of it, when it could still go for $1,500 or more. Hope that makes sense.

Offline ZoSo

Re: Got a unit on Friday
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2011, 09:43:47 PM »
Yeah I hear ya.  I was hoping to get more for the couch and love seat but I was happy with $700.  I was worried it would take me awile to move this unit initially, but once I relisted CList after the 48 hours passed, the stuff moved real fast.  I was lucky our baseball game got rained out tonight so I could move some stuff tonight.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Got a unit on Friday
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2011, 10:07:54 PM »
Thats good it went fast on CL. Lately CL has slowed down alot for me. Furniture and appliances seem to do good still though. Hope I can get rid of most of my stuff at a rummage sell I am taking part of soon.

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