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Nazi Silver

Offline Cobia

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Nazi Silver
« on: February 02, 2012, 07:46:34 AM »
Found my first silver coins in a unit! Woo, Hoo; Ahoy there matie! I'm a real treasure hunter now!

Found a small locked coin box, busted it open and instead of US pennies; it actually had a real coin collection! Some of the more interesting coins were about 6 silver coins from Nazi Germany. They are not rare by any means, you can by them on Ebay, but it's still seems eerily strange to hold coins with Swatstikas minted on them. The coins themselves based on Ebay rates are worth about $80.

There are about 150 other coins in the collection. Most seem to be modern world coins so little monetary value. I did find some older German/Prussian coins so they might have as much or more value then the Nazi era coins.

I will update the total value once I identify all the coins.

Keep Hunting!

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 02:57:45 PM »
I think half the fun of treasure hunting is the research and the history that goes with it!
Congrats on the coinage~

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 04:56:09 PM »
while researching on those silver coins, use a magnet to see if it sticks.   

if it sticks, fake

non stick, real 

only on silver coins.

before 1967. 

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Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 05:39:32 PM »
I thought it was before 1965....??

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2012, 06:38:52 PM »
Which coin demoniation do you have and year?  I can look it up in my book to tell you the silver content, etc.  I collect and sale world coins all time at the flea.  I'm still waiting to find me a collection or some of the other goodies I have on my "keep for self" list.

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Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2012, 07:34:47 AM »
1933-1937 5 mark, 1936-1937 2 mark, 1941 1? mark. Already sold 1 of the 5 marks and 1 of the 2 marks to a friend for $25. Most for the other coins are German from the 1950s - early 1970s, some from Netherlands 1960s-1980s, Spain 1980s. I have been keeping the world coins I find in units. Mostly Canadian, Euros, pound Sterling; but with this collection and the other coins I might try to start selling them at the flea aswell.

How do you price & market your world coins? Do you just sell older coins or modern coins or both?

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2012, 12:58:07 PM »
I sell old (1890 english pennies) to mid 1980s coins mostly.  It all depends on the country, denomination, grade to collectors or what is on the coin to other collectors.  Pictures of animals sell well for example.

As for price - I look up everything in my 2012 world catelog.  I do this to double-check the content of the coin for one.  I then take the lowest grade price unless the only price is for Unc / Proof coins.  Most of the coins are $.25, then I'll find a few that are harder to find and worth $.25 - $3.

I put all the coins in a 2x2 flip with the country and price on it.  The coins also sit in a metal coin bank.  So I get lots of interest from people looking for US silver, but also attracts the attention of mom, pop, or grand-dad who buy them for kids/g-kids.  Few collectors come by to see what I have to fill holes in their albums.

I have number of world bank notes that I may start selling also.  May pair them up with other coins and put them in some of these picture frames I have totes full of and sell as "sets".  So instead of $1 or $2 I can sell at $5 or more.  Plus, get rid of some picture frames.

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2012, 03:41:27 PM »
Cobia - just got home and found my older coin book.  Think newest must be at work.  Anyways here is some of the info I have for ya.

1933 5 Reichsmark (depends on mint mark) in fine condition is worth 50 - 100 bucks.  Is 90% silver, .4016 oz so roughly $5 silver value at current spot.

1934 has two types of 5 reichsmark.  One style is worth $10 fine, other style $4-5.

1935 and up again all depends but figure $3.  So for those silver value is worth more.

2 Reichsmark is .6250 silver and weighs .1607 oz.  - avg value is $2.50.  A few year/mints are worth more.

The reichspfenning is worth $.10 or so.  That one I would sell for $.50 to a $1 just cuz of the swatsika.

These are the prices from my 2003 book.  So they may be higher by now.  If find my book at work I'll update this.

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2012, 07:47:16 PM »
Craigs- I know you deal in coins, but can you give me any tips on finding out what medals are made of?  I have 4 Special Olympics medals from about 1985 or earlier. They are heavy, 3 are silver and one gold and a magnet does not stick to it.  I cleaned the silver ones with silver polish, and the rag turned black (but I have noticed it will do that on almost any medal). Any insight??

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2012, 07:32:21 AM »
Was going to reply in the other thread Magick but for some reason didn't have a "reply" button.

The medals are most likely made up of solid brass, nickle, or copper.  Or they could be a combination of those medals.  I'll try and do some more digging.  If they are solid copper then it's worth $2.88 lb in my area last time I talked with a scrap yard.

There are "medal" collectors.  So you may want to toss them up on ebay and see if you get any bites.

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2012, 06:09:20 PM »
Thanks Craigs!  I threw em on there, see where it goes.

They all started out looking silver but when I took the pictures they almost look gold or brass. 

I really hate selling stuff like this...I mean they must have meant something to someone at some point in time. On the other hand, need to sell as much as I can from the locker.

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2012, 08:05:18 PM »
Good luck - be interested to hear what happens

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Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2012, 07:47:34 AM »

After going through the entire collection I have about $190 worth of silver coins and collectible coins not include the $35 worth of coins I sold to a friend. There are about 50 european coins pre-euro may or may not be worth face vaue. I have 3 coins I was not able to identify/value.

Also in the coin box was a vintage 1940s/1950s ladies silver and jewel crusted watch. I don't think they are diamonds, not sure when they started using cubic zirconia in jewelry. A pearl necklace with a 14k gold clasp, and wait for it, wait for it, a gold tooth cap! One source on the internet said there is roughly $30-$50 worth of gold in dental tooth caps.

Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2012, 01:32:09 PM »
That is great Cobia.  Really wish I could find something like that in a unit.  Still striking out for me.  Keep it up.

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Re: Nazi Silver
« Reply #14 on: February 29, 2012, 10:50:05 PM »
I dont know if it helps utopia but I just got $11.50 for a 1937A 2 reich mark coin. Probably should have kept it, but I don't really care much for Swastika stuff.


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