Storage Auctions

My unusual Urn story

My unusual Urn story
« on: June 11, 2013, 01:30:01 PM »
I have been told by the old timers may times that if you do this long enough you will eventually find an Urn. Well this is the story of my first one.
The unit was a huge 10X30 full of stuff. It was a great unit. As we are going through it in a box full of sea shells we find Dr Paul. Ugh... I set him on my desk for the time being and say I will get back to this problem later. I totally believe in karma so throwing him out is not an option.
Several days later while going through the last of the boxes that are all paperwork I come across a folder marked will. Turns out Dr Paul has the deed to his family plot in Tennessee.
Hum... I call the cemetary and find out that he has paid for everything including his headstone that is already set. The lady asks me to send him to her and she will make sure he goes into his plot. She also asked me to write a letter telling how he came to me as no one was ever going to believe her story. Dr Paul is now resting peacfully in his rightful place. Now how come his son who owned the unit couldn't have taken care of this? Oh well I feel good about taking the time and being respectful even though I never knew this person. Good Karma.  :)

Offline Alias300

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Re: My unusual Urn story
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 04:20:24 PM »
He son was planning on selling the plot to over gambling losses and you just screwed him and his going to have his legs broken!

Or even better, the family is in the mob and they disposed of a body in that plot so they couldn't have anyone digging it up!

I mean, it could just be they never got around to it.  But that's no fun.

So how do you send him? Urn and all or just dump him in a Baggie?  Flat rate envelope?  How do you figure "insurance" on an item like that?

Re: My unusual Urn story
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 02:09:27 PM »
I learned a lot from this. Like did you know that it is illegal to transport ashes across state lines? UPS and Fedx will not ship ashes. So he went US mail. They require that an urn be shipped in a wood or metal box first class mail. It cost me around $30.00 to send him but hey I made and am still making great money off of his stuff.

Offline MarkSindone

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Re: My unusual Urn story
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2015, 09:15:24 PM »
I don't like knowing that there are human remains in my self storage units, whether in an urn or otherwise. It just gives me the heebie-jeebies! And I think that the area around self storage units can get pretty creepy in the middle of the night too. One of the other reasons why I need to make sure that I get home when the office hours are up. No way I want to be around in the middle of the night.

Offline Travis

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Re: My unusual Urn story
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2017, 11:30:05 AM »

You did an honorable thing. You should be proud of yourself. I found a Japanese urn once, but it was just full of candy. Still have it as a matter of fact since I collect Asian art & pottery.

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