Storage Auctions

Strangest item you ever came across?

Strangest item you ever came across?
« on: November 11, 2014, 10:49:49 AM »
I am new to the whole storage auction scene. I am just wondering what the weirdest or strangest things are you ever came across? What can I expect to find?

Re: Strangest item you ever came across?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 05:29:06 PM »
I am new to the whole storage auction scene. I am just wondering what the weirdest or strangest things are you ever came across? What can I expect to find?

Most unexpected and unwanted-3 pound tube of hamburger that had been in the locker 6 months. Or maybe the eggs that were in another locker about a year.

Typical finds I have found them all-Dentures, Cremains human and pet,  sex toys, dirty dishes, porn, stuffed chicken, letters from prison, girlfriends letters to convict with naked pictures of herself, drug paraphernalia, grow operations, medical records from the mental hospital, bag of over 100 condoms at least they were not used, school books, library books, DVD from the rental place, Uhaul marked carts and blankets obviously stolen, rug doctor rental not returned, ammo about every other locker has at least a little, cheap falling apart pressboard furniture, older quality furniture with drawers missing and major damage, AA literature and coins, NA Literature and coin, bongs, magazines, junk mail, unpaid bills, eviction notices, home canned food 10 year old, rat droppings, dead rats, live rats (7 babies in a box), worthless tube TVs one or more in every unit, kitchen utensils of no value, worn out tires, cheap wall hangings, mattresses that are so ugly they go the dump, couches you would not want in your house, beat up VCRs, paint, hazardous household goods, 3 pounds of mercury in a flask,  and cheap tools made in China.
Rare finds but I have found them- Gold, silver, cash or coin, quality tools, nice furniture,guns, good fishing gear, fine china, antiques, quality clothes or shoes, construction stuff like a new tub once, boat motors, copper wire, new car parts and militaria.

Finds I have only heard about- Dive gear and quality cameras.

Bottom line you can find anything in there but in my experience 95% of what you find will have little or no value rare is the locker you can sell everything from. I take all the cheap stuff to goodwill or the dump. If you have a storefront or do a lot of garage sales then it should be run through there first but $1 items are not worth messing with.

Re: Strangest item you ever came across?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 09:26:52 AM »
Typical finds I have found them all-Dentures, Cremains human and pet,  sex toys, dirty dishes, porn, stuffed chicken, letters from prison, girlfriends letters to convict with naked pictures of herself, drug paraphernalia, grow operations, medical records from the mental hospital, bag of over 100 condoms at least they were not used, school books, library books, DVD from the rental place, Uhaul marked carts and blankets obviously stolen, rug doctor rental not returned, ammo about every other locker has at least a little, cheap falling apart pressboard furniture, older quality furniture with drawers missing and major damage, AA literature and coins, NA Literature and coin, bongs, magazines, junk mail, unpaid bills, eviction notices, home canned food 10 year old, rat droppings, dead rats, live rats (7 babies in a box), worthless tube TVs one or more in every unit, kitchen utensils of no value, worn out tires, cheap wall hangings, mattresses that are so ugly they go the dump, couches you would not want in your house, beat up VCRs, paint, hazardous household goods, 3 pounds of mercury in a flask,  and cheap tools made in China.

Sounds like a lot of my finds... I've saved pots and pans for the recycle place, have yet to tkae them in.   ADD Diaries, usb drives with very personal pictures and videos on them,  Tons of baby pictures and ultrasound pictures. and BREAST PUMPS!!

Re: Strangest item you ever came across?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2014, 07:31:12 PM »
bought a 10x30 because of the 3" literally of dust on all of the items and some old pictures.  Room had been there for 26 years.  around the entire perimeter there were water bottles about 200+ filled with urine of varying depths.  pretty awesome.

weirdest was a little bag of diamonds ... as in how the heck did this person have a bag of diamonds and why did he leave them in this unit.  Turns out that he showed back up at the facility 3 months later and asked to pay for his room and when they told him it sold he threatened to kill the facility manager and his family and then asked for my name.   :67:

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Re: Strangest item you ever came across?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2014, 09:21:22 PM »
They don't call em' blood diamonds for nothing.

Re: Strangest item you ever came across?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 08:01:40 AM »
Hopefully they withheld your name from him!

Re: Strangest item you ever came across?
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2014, 01:38:26 PM »
Thankfully they did! 

The only issue I had is that they told this story in front of other buyers at the next auction so people know that I got a score and they bid me up a little while after that.

I like to play dumb and poor at the auctions.

weirdest, strangest, sickest unit ever.

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