Storage Auctions

What I found...

What I found...
« on: February 20, 2015, 03:12:44 PM »
It's snowy, icey, I drove to the latest online auction unit I won.. Opened the door up started sorting a little (just in my car so not taking much) Low and behold I found something I really really really needed...

Windshield wiper fluid - and Ice melt...

I was out of both, and they were in short supply in the store last time I went so I wound up doign without, and my windshield was dirty for the salt on the road..   I paid 60$ for the unit, I got about 30$ in ice melt, and several RAINEX windshield fluid gallons..   

Now the rest of the unit is very promising... Motorized mibility cart for older people (nice one, looks complete)  Desk, dresser, about 4 new coolers, and several bigger coolers..  Tools, saw one Air powered cutting wheel..  LARGE SIZE Work boots.. couple nice luggage pieces, a nice large MAGLITE flashlight, and other flashlights..  Lots of car cleaning/detailing stuff..  and a Small Deep freeze, microwave.

and of course a bed frame and Ironing board...  I am starting to think these come as standard issue for people renting a storage unit..

The other unit is filled with BOXES of DVD's and toys... an old school LARGE TV, and mattress and box springs.. (of course the standard ironing board, and bed frame)  I have yet to find a good marked for some SPECIAL content DVD's..  but mosts of the lot is rated R and below.

Might have found a home !

Started by money4nothing

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