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BNSF Railway Storybook ie plans and maps

Offline rulesforrebels

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BNSF Railway Storybook ie plans and maps
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:02:32 PM »
This isn't very old nor is it of cool places so I don't anticipate it being worth much but I do know there's a lot of railroad and even just general transportation collectors out tehre. Saw some websites with some ridiculous things for sale for really expensive prices.

I found this BNSF Railway storybook. Basically it has photos of diff areas of track and businesses as well as some pics with mapped out thigns like no clearance on this side or here's where runaway trains go, etc.

There's alot more to it than the couple of pics I posted and I actually shoulda posted other ones as these aren't that interesting and there's actually some cool ones but just want to give an idea of what this storybook thing is.

I'll post some pics below so you can see. I guess I'll find out soon enough as I'll probably post on ebay tonight but just curious if anyone thinks this will be of interest to people or not.

I'll prob start the auction at 0.99 cents with like $2 shipping. If I can make 99 cents and add a point to my ebay score its better than just tossing it.

Offline rogue

Re: BNSF Railway Storybook ie plans and maps
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 09:02:32 AM »
You might be suprised what that will bring...... Those are plans for a couple of business close to where I live. There are alot of RR nuts and thats not sdomething you see everydsay. Good luck selling interested to hear what it sells for.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: BNSF Railway Storybook ie plans and maps
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 11:55:18 AM »
Thanks for the feedback rogue, good points you made.

People who are itno railroad stuff are die hard about it. I know a guy who's been trying to track down this particular railroad book for years.

I was checking some railroad and even general transportation collectibles sites and was surprirsed to see the prices for some things and even stuff people collect. Things as simple as a deck or cards or cocktail napkin for a cruise ship tht's not even old or historic are going for a good buck and like you said, this isn't something that gets passed out to the general public so probably less common or at least a little more cool.

I guess I'll scan all the pages and put it on ebay in the next day or two. Maybe I'll post some more better quality scanned pics as well, there's some kinda neat stuff in the book.

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