Storage Auctions

Guess the auction selling prices on these items at a piece by piece auction

Offline MovieMan

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Here are some pics from a recent piece by piece auction. Items (if large) are sold by the piece. If smaller they are sold by the box or as lots. Good examples of this below.

After the 6 to 10 people (of over 3,000 members) who actually post their guesses here I'll reveal the real selling prices.

What did the wall of leftovers boxes sell for? It's about 50 feet long.

What would you have paid for the motor and gas tank?

After several single items were sold they sold the rest of the locker as a lot.
What would you have paid for the remainders?

Princess House?  I've made good money with this stuff in the past.
What would you have paid for the 20 to 25 pieces?

Wall of leftovers: $150
Boat Motor: $100
Locker: $300
Princess Stuff: $50

Wall of leftovers: $260
Boat Motor / Tank: $140
Locker: $380
Princess Stuff: $70

Wall of leftovers last time here went for around $75.00
Boat motor on the coast $250.00
I wouldn't pay over $50.00 but probably sold for more like $200.00
Princess House- If the crazy lady that comes over here was there $200.00. I have yet to win any glass wear at one of those auctions. She seems to have an unlimited supply of money and she must be able to make alot more money than I can on it.

Offline MovieMan

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Here’s what they sold for:

Wall of leftovers: $40
Boat Motor: $5
Locker: $5
Princess Stuff: $230

Based on your estimates of the prices (for your areas) a couple of you are wishing you had been here !

The gal who got the leftovers got a lot of good stuff for that price even though the individual boxes didn’t bring $5 a box at the time.

The boat motor….guess there were just no rebuilders there. That locker was rough and people probably figured mechanical stuff didn’t work, but still. I know nothing about motors like that.

The locker was dusty, oily, etc.  The aluminum painter stand (forget what you call them) also went for $5 as did the pair of car ramps. The locker itself went for $5 !

The Princess stuff; I thought I would go $150 and hope to get maybe $300 but a gal and I were duking it out so I just took her for a ride as I could tell she wasn’t going to stop. I quit at $225 and she got it for…..$230.

man do I ever..the wall of leftovers, I figured had a ton of flea market stuff $1.00 $2.00 an item... the locker itself I saw the saws/tools and pools stuff, I've got a guy that buys all my tools / workman stuff & another guy for pool related ( but looking back on my bid , what was I thinking? lol)..the Boat Motor /Fuel can, cuz I live on the beach, i woulda killed it $ wise,I mean KILLED IT,their are so many fixit yourself guys around here,it's crazy...and to the Princess lady ,I wish the best of luck

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