I was at a self-storage auction earlier this year that had a room full of deer heads. The door went up and half the group went "ooooooooohhhhhhh.....!!!"

There were about 8-10 mid-sized deer heads showing. We all thought it was a out-of-business taxidermy shop.
I was acquainted with the guy who bought the unit (for $1475) so I stopped by the unit after the auction - I was curious how much those heads would go for. He said $175-$225 each (which is EXACTLY the number mentioned on this thread). There were a total of 11 deer heads, two foxes, a turkey, three largemouth bass, and a RACCOON!!?? But there was no taxidermy equipment of any kinds. Strange. We surmised this had to be a restaurant/store that went out, or a real passionate outdoorsman who lost his stuff.
Along with other items in the locker (ladder, small air compressor, and misc. tools, etc) - he estimated about $3500 in sellable merchandise. Maybe a little more, but it would take some time to flip it all.