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Wooden and Metal Basketball Card Printing Press Plate

Wooden and Metal Basketball Card Printing Press Plate
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:08:49 AM »
I have an old metal basketball printing press plate mounted on a block of wood.  I have no clue who the player is, it is a picture of him in his uniform.   By the high waisted shorts, thigh high shoes, and thin strapped tank-top, I assume it is late 60's to early 70's.

I am assuming it is for a sports card.  I could be wrong.  It could be from a magazine or something else to do with basketball.

Since there is no markings on it to denote the year, manufacturer, player name, or even team name, where can I possibly get this appraised at?  I am at a complete loss of ideas.

Re: Wooden and Metal Basketball Card Printing Press Plate
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 08:01:14 AM »
I would send a email to Beckett, i am sure they can guide you in the right direction.

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Re: Wooden and Metal Basketball Card Printing Press Plate
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2011, 08:13:33 AM »
This was a typical printing process in the 60's at every newspaper in America, and I WOULD GUESS is just that, a local player getting ready to take a shot. I could be wrong; it could be worth thousands, but I doubt it. This is just my opinion, other people will have other opinions.

Re: Wooden and Metal Basketball Card Printing Press Plate
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 12:44:05 AM »
Thanks for the idea Mr. A.  I wasn't thinking about asking Beckett on this one, since it is not guaranteed to be for a sports card, but they do give values on more than just cards.  I will give that a shot sometime this week.

Movieman, I wish it could be worth thousands, but I will be happy if it is at least worth the cards I traded for it. 

I guess if I don't get an idea that it is worth anything, I will use some stamp ink or erasble marker on it and try to make a print.  At least that way I can see if it is a highschool player or an adult, lol.  It kinda looks like a highschool player or a college player.

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