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Do the storage facility managers go through the units?

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Do the storage facility managers go through the units?
« on: January 29, 2014, 01:49:23 PM »
AntiqueGal72 asked: Do the storage facility managers go through the units before the auction? I just wanted to know if this is common and whether they're allowed to do this?


Most storage facility owners & managers are highly respectable people. They're in the business renting storage units, not reselling second hand merchandise. Just like in any business, there will always be a few bad apples. Does it happen? Yes. Is it a common occurrence? Probably not.

Laws in some states do require the storage facility to cut the lock and take inventory of the unit, that way they can post a description of the merchandise in their legal notice. However, most storage facility operators do not enter the unit while taking inventory, let alone dig through boxes looking for valuables.

Re: Do the storage facility managers go through the units?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 11:01:27 PM »
In my admittedly highly limited experience, I would be inclined to agree.  On top of what was said regarding most being honest and in the business of renting units versus going through merchandise, it seems to me to be a big risk.  At least here in TX, the owner of the merchandise can pay their fees up to the moment of auction and the auction is cancelled.  If the manager of the facility went through the unit and the owner came back to pay, what is the manager going to say when things go missing?  I'm sure a slick manager would come up with something, but I would think most just don't find it worth the time (and behave more ethically).

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