Storage Auctions

Ever get contacted by previous owner?

Ever get contacted by previous owner?
« on: June 29, 2011, 09:31:06 AM »
I've been thinking about putting some of the stuff we recently got from 2 lkrs on CL, and had this thought:

what do you do/say if the person contacting you is the old owner of the unit?

at this point, we've already sorted most of the two units we got - ie. items for sale, items donated and trash.

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Re: Ever get contacted by previous owner?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 09:37:42 AM »
I've never had a previous owner contact me about a Clist item, though I have had them talk to me at the auction or at the flea market. So far no bad contacts I couldn't live with.

How would they know it was originally theirs and came from their lkr?  

If they did call on Clist, just treat them as any other customer; the item belongs to you, you are selling it. Typically it would just be some regular item and not something with emotional value anyway, and unless it had their name, ss# or some other id permanently attached, how would they distinguish it from any other same-type item?

Again, it belongs to you...not to them.

Frankly, I think the likelihood of this EVEN HAPPENING is next to none. Report back here IF it does happen (or happened) and how you handled it.


Here are links to threads which talk about face-to-face contacts with former lkr owners:

Re: Ever get contacted by previous owner?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 03:46:19 PM »
Just treat it like any other transaction.You own the items now.

Like movieman says the chances are pretty thin.

Good luck.

Re: Ever get contacted by previous owner?
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 12:42:58 AM »
I have a question that goes along with his:

Will Clist listen to you if you do have an original owner, who knows that they owned the stuff, and the person keeps flagging your postings for removal.  I have had mine flagged before for various reasons, such as someone getting mad because I would not take thier low-ball offer on an item. 

One way someone would think that you have their stuff is because if you have like 10 or 20 items listed in the area where you won the auction, and the items matched theirs exactly.

Anyways, I agree with ya'll.  If you won an auction, all of the items are yours.  You won the items legally and paid for them.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Ever get contacted by previous owner?
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 05:38:35 PM »
I have a question that goes along with his:

Will Clist listen to you if you do have an original owner, who knows that they owned the stuff, and the person keeps flagging your postings for removal.  I have had mine flagged before for various reasons, such as someone getting mad because I would not take thier low-ball offer on an item. 

One way someone would think that you have their stuff is because if you have like 10 or 20 items listed in the area where you won the auction, and the items matched theirs exactly.

Anyways, I agree with ya'll.  If you won an auction, all of the items are yours.  You won the items legally and paid for them.

Overall CL does not really care, either that they just dont have the time to deal with it. They have a very small over head, employees only consist of a small office with a handful of people. I want to say it is below 10. Which is why they leave all the flagging to the system itself, which is rare, and other CL users. The way the deal with being flagged is go to their USER forum threads, which is full of ass holes, and clueless people that give CL a bad name, and reposting your ad.

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