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Craigslist Report....August, 2013

Offline MovieMan

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Craigslist Report....August, 2013
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:08:37 AM »
Craigslist is up and down for most of us nationwide I think and certainly population figures play a big part in that.

You can have the greatest item(s) around and if there aren't enough buyers around it won't matter.

This summer has been pretty good with a more or less steady set of sales...If I get a few a week I am happy.

I have seen some callers (as usual) who just don't read, or read and don't understand.

It doesn't matter to some of them that right up in the title area you have the name of the city where the item is located.  They will still ask about the item and ask where it is located or when getting the answer to that say something like..."Oh, you're in Smallville !" 

Read the ad dummy...and use a 9th grader's good sense of geography to figure out if that 240 mile, 4 hour round trip is worth it for the $40 item you're looking at.


Re: Craigslist Report....August, 2013
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 11:09:05 AM »
I was red hot last month, pretty cold so far in August.

As to the geography comment -  Ive had a few calls or texts from people in or around Fayetteville Arkansas, myself of course being from Fayetteville NC.  :-[

Offline Alias300

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Re: Craigslist Report....August, 2013
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 11:55:41 AM »
I'm on the other side of that....

Somehow my CL account got switched to the "Olympic Penisula" on the other side of the Sound.
About a 100mile drive or a 30min/$13 ferry ride (plus drive & ferry wait time).

So I got all these calls from people wanting me to deliver a $20 item and none to happy I was saying no.

Tho, they could have looked at my location.  Says right there, even has a map.


My CL sales are way down.  I just can't find quick turnover product.   

I'm left with hard selling items.  Vintage food mixers, vintage tools, high end specialty tools, professional grade camera stuff assesories.
All good stuff but not hot sellers on CL. 

To counter I've finally set up my own eBay account rather than useing other people's and I've been lining up auctions to attend and hitting estate sales farther out of my normal radius

We'll see.   I've got trip to Texas and California planned.  Hopefully I can find some good picks.

Re: Craigslist Report....August, 2013
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2013, 07:16:22 PM »
Craigslist for me has been cold the last 2 weeks. Granted, I do have a lot of collectible type items which do not sell well on Craigslist in my area. I do have a very nice Ashley Furniture bedroom set which hasn't garnered much interest as well as a complete low end dining set, but it's in great shape. No interest on that either. It's driving me nuts how slow Craigslist has been for me this month.

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