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Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical

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Glendon just did a video of this merchant service mobile payment thing through your smart phone. Really cool concept for craigslist sales and flea markets. Prices sound reasonable as well.

Problem is everyone is so freaked out about identity theft and cc number theft and people hear about card readers that retail workers buy to steal card numbers. I can't see many people being willign to let you swipe their card. It is a very cool concept though.

Re: Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 07:47:48 PM »
I am not sure about that company, but I use the Intuit (quickbooks) unit. I love it. I have never had a problem with it and never had a customer with an issue with it either. Even one time customers find it very convenient. If you are only doing a couple of things a month it may not be worth it. However, if you are doing a lot of CL and flea market stuff I would strongly consider it.

Re: Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 11:45:18 PM »
This thing is AWESOME!  I highly recommend it to anybody doing a lot of garage sales or flea markets.  Opens up some sales you may not have otherwise made.  Doesn't really cost that much in the overall scheme of things, and most people are comfortable with it.  Can use it with an ipad or smart phone, and it's FREE for the hardware.  You can even buy it at the apple store for something like 10 bucks, but they will credit that back to you when you start using it.  Or just go right to there website and sign up and they'll send it right to you.  Most people will not say anything about it, but if they balk, just a quick explanation and they are good to go.  Everybody will have this or something similar soon, so jump in now and get a jump on your competitors!   

Re: Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 10:27:08 AM »
I can see the benefits having this. But there is also a downfall. How do you prevent people from ripping you off?
I mean you hear all the time about chargebacks thru credit cards, so if you sell something at a yardsale, let's say a bedroom suit for 300 bucks, then the next day the customer does a chargeback on the card. How are you going to get your bedroom suit back?

I will try to stay away from this as long as possible. CASH is the king.

Re: Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 11:28:22 AM »
I can see the benefits having this. But there is also a downfall. How do you prevent people from ripping you off?
CASH is the king.

All I can say is being ripped off hasn't been a problem, not a single charge back.  I have two other friends that use this, and it is very handy.  Besides, if some moron stiffed me for a $5 garage sale item someday, I think I could weather the pain!  LOL 

I do agree that "CASH is King", but this just opens you up for the possibility of getting a few more sales that you otherwise might not have made, and it's relatively inexpensive.

Remember before eBay and craigslist when everybody used to run their ads in a newspaper?........Just saying.

Re: Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2011, 01:44:23 PM »
I have never had a chargeback either.  If someone wants to rip you off they are going to. Most people are not going to get into credit card fraud. In the example with the furniture that you made, the card company is not going to just give them their $300 back. There will have to be a reason given and they will have to call you to get your response. Would it be a pain in the ass if it happened?? Sure. But the odds of it are slim. Just don't tell someone you are selling them a Louis Vitton and it actually be a knock-off, and you should never have a problem.

Re: Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2011, 07:02:20 AM »
I use this and I've never had a problem. This is a very convenient product. I'm having a huge yard sale later this month and will use it. I can imagine that it will certainly encourage people to offer on higher priced items. Things they wouldn't normally buy cuz they didn't have the cash.

Re: Squared Mobile Payments Recomended By Glendon - Cool Not Practical
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 01:16:29 AM »
I think these sound good, but I am an avid Dave Ramsey devotee.  Anyone who listens to Dave knows his motto is "Cash is king."  Thusly, I can't condone credit card use.  My only issue with it would be not knowing (as I wouldn't ask - I don't preach.) if they are using a credit or debit card to make the purchase.

Does anyone else here have this dilemma, or am I some sort of flea market misfit? ::)

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