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Ebay Smart Phone App Now Has Sell Feature

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Ebay Smart Phone App Now Has Sell Feature
« on: July 31, 2011, 11:31:52 AM »
The ebay app for smart phones now have a new sell feature. I havn't used it or even really checked it out yet but you can sell from your phone through the app without having to bypass the app and go to the full site.

I agree it's obviously quicker to do it from a computer but sometimes I'm at one of my storage units or at a buddies house where I store stuff and it would be handy to throw up a brief listing with a pic that I coudl then go home and add to later. I think this should come in handy. Maybe I'll post back after I use it later today.

Re: Ebay Smart Phone App Now Has Sell Feature
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 05:18:29 PM »
Let us know how it works out.

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Re: Ebay Smart Phone App Now Has Sell Feature
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 07:49:23 PM »
I tried it out, I'm actually quite impressed which is saying alot b/c I've never really been a big fan of the ebay app most of the time I'd rather go to the full site.

Anyhow, this obviously isn't going to be something your going to be doing very detailed listings on or all your listings but if you store stuff at various locations and aren't always by all yoru stuff it can come in handy.

Today for example I was over at one of my rental hosues where I have some stuff in storage and decided to put up a few listings for items. Because I had my phone on me I could do a brieff listing, add a short description and measurements which is handy since its a pain to write down measurements and then go home and post later.

Downsides of the app are obviously you cant type fast on a smart phone though the voice recognition feature helps out. The other downside is though they do have regular and html option for the actual listing space it would be a huge pain to be going backand forth between photo bucket and ebay on an android phone getting pics and html.

Overall though I was very happy with the app. It's not going to replace your computer for your listings but in a pinch it will help and its a handy way to put up a listing quickly.

Do you have a smart phone? Do you use it as auctinos to look up prices?

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