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Internet sales tax - say no before it's too late!

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Internet sales tax - say no before it's too late!
« on: November 12, 2014, 04:55:31 PM »
Just got this email from eBay - how do you feel about internet sales tax?

The voters have spoken. The current lame duck Congress will soon end their work, and come January, a new Congress will take on the challenges facing the nation.

Unfortunately, there is a last-minute effort underway to rush an Internet sales tax bill—a bill that fails to protect small businesses like yours—into law. If you oppose this lame duck Congress passing this last-minute Internet sales tax bill, the time to let your members of Congress know is now.

Making your voice heard is easy—click the following link to contact your members of Congress. Together, we can make a difference.


Tod Cohen
Vice President & Deputy General Counsel, Government Relations
eBay Inc.

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Re: Internet sales tax - say no before it's too late!
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 09:43:35 AM »
I got this message as well from ebay and others. Great thing to post travis. I'd encourage everyone to call or write your legislators or sign these online petitions. THe same people who are too lazy to do this will be the loudest voices complaining when this happens and this will shut most of you out of ecommerce as its literally impossible to keep up with tax rates from every city, state county, etc you sell to, its an accounting nightmare. I have already signd a number of petitions and called my states legislators as well. Please others do the same

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