Storage Auctions

The Marketplace => Selling Venues => eBay => Topic started by: MovieMan on January 10, 2014, 10:43:09 PM

Title: What special packing materials do you use when shipping a sold eBay item?
Post by: MovieMan on January 10, 2014, 10:43:09 PM
My best find of late was a swimming pool "cover" which is basically industrial strength bubble wrap.  I got a large ..swimming pool size...piece for $5 at a piece by piece auction. Everyone thought I was nuts, but then they hardly sell on eBay (if at all).

It cuts easily, wraps securely giving hundred of air pockets to protect electronics, cameras, etc.


Title: Re: What special packing materials do you use when shipping a sold eBay item?
Post by: rulesforrebels on January 11, 2014, 10:49:37 AM
good thinking there. yeah packaging materials can get expensie so finding shortcuts like this definately helps. you can get packaging materials free from many businessses. i often see in the free section in my local cl people giving away literally dozens of enormous bags filled withh packing peanuts
Title: Re: What special packing materials do you use when shipping a sold eBay item?
Post by: HomeGrownPromos on January 12, 2014, 01:29:45 PM
When you buy lockers, you inherently get packing materials. I use all the paper wrap, newspaper, bubble wrap, etc. from lockers. If I buy something online, I'm always saving peanuts and whatnot as well.
Title: Re: What special packing materials do you use when shipping a sold eBay item?
Post by: dbr831 on January 13, 2014, 09:04:57 AM
So funny, when I saw the title of this I immediately clicked on it to share my use of pool cover and MovieMan beat me to it. My family is in the swimming pool business so I have unlimited supplies of the stuff. I love to use it to wrap heavy stuff like cast iron. I have also used it to wrap larger items that won't fit in a box. Once I sold a large guitar case (rectangle hard case, not a guitar shaped one) and just gift wrapped it in pool cover, taped it well and stuck a label on it. My post office employees thought it was genius!