Storage Auctions

Anyone in the Athens Ga area?

Anyone in the Athens Ga area?
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:25:22 PM »
I have several hundred electronic items that would be great for flea marketers. Video games, video game accessories (xbox,Wii, playstation), Ipod accessories,wireless routers, a couple of game systems and more. Letting it all go for pennies on the dollar.

This will not be an ongoing thing, but it is a great opportunity to get a lot of stuff really cheap.
I'm closing my ebay business. Must take everything or nothing. Seriously cheap.
If you are in the Athens area and are interested, please let me know via this site.

(hope I haven't violated any policies, I know you guys are always looking for deals)

Re: Anyone in the Athens Ga area?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 08:12:15 AM »
We may have one guy from the Athens area.  Not seen him around a bit.  UGA is up north of Atlanta if memory serves me.  Most people from GA are in/near Atlanta.  I'm about an hour and half or so drive away from Athens.

I only get $2-3 bucks for older system games.  So the price would have to be really great to be worth time/effort/gas.

I buy mostly non-working computers ($2-5) to recycle / fix.

If you have an inventory list, pictures, what you asking for, shoot me a PM.

Re: Anyone in the Athens Ga area?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 11:32:38 AM »
I'm selling the games for $1 each (all tested). The routers for probably $5 each. Just sold one last week on ebay for $21.95 + shipping.

I don't have these items inventoried, but, I know I need to get it down on paper. Probably list the lot for sale on C-list next week.

I'll send you a copy then.

Re: Anyone in the Athens Ga area?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2012, 07:58:36 PM »
Please do that and take some pictures if you can.  PM when you have it ready and I'll send you my email address.  At only 1/2 off the games I'll have to think hard about it.  Not worth the $80 in gas for a round-trip to Athens and back.  Less I find some auctions while I'm up that way.  Will look forward to hearing from ya.

Bay Area!

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