Storage Auctions

Black Friday Results??

Black Friday Results??
« on: November 26, 2011, 11:36:16 AM »
We had a bit of talk about selling on black friday, so I'm curious to see peoples results.

Did you sell on black friday? How did you go about it (flea, etc)? Most important, how well did you do?

Re: Black Friday Results??
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 06:17:08 PM »
Sold about $50 out of my booth at Southern Pickers in Tifton Friday :)  Spent the morning moving into the booth and afternoon helping a friend work on his house and then rode my bike.  Replenished my inventory this morning. 

Re: Black Friday Results??
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 07:54:42 PM »
Friday was bad.......Saturday was worse!  People are hitting the malls and Target, Walmart, and Best Buy........not wasting time at thrift stores and flea least in the Seattle area.  Friend at the flea market barely paid for his booth and I was pretty disappointed at the store.

Re: Black Friday Results??
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 10:15:49 PM »
Friday was pretty bad here as well. Most people wake up early and hit the major retail stores. I know there is a big national push for the "Small Busines Saturdays" deal, but we had a normal day (not a normal Saturday) today. 

Usually this is one of the slowest times of the year. December and July.

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Re: Black Friday Results??
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2011, 02:19:08 AM »
Had planned a yard sale for the weekend in front of friends thrift store.. With a Pow Wow happening down the street. Well my husband and I fell under the weather, and were unable to pull it off. Spoke to my thrift store she said she had like 50 people in on Sat. not buyers just lookers, So not a total bust for her.  Not sure when she sold my items for $100, could have been Wednesday or Friday. That puts that Locker at double our money with $60 left in inventory.
But we did sell our Diesel fuel tank that we picked up for $25 for $200. So even though no flea or yard was a pretty good weekend. Planning the yard for this coming weekend.

Kinda glad we did not put out the effort for the yard sale.  :)

Re: Black Friday Results??
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2011, 08:25:32 AM »
I neither bought nor sold on Black Friday.  Was still trying to get over the tryptophan~
Did the swap meet (flea market) yesterday.  We really only expected to do about $100 or so as our inventory was getting pretty depleted, but ended up doing about $250 and on the way home got a call from a lady who's interested in a buffet I have on craigslist.  She should be out this hopefully that pays off too!

I told my husband we'd better get a unit this week or I'll have to get back to all those furniture restoration projects that are at the back of the property......funny that is what I used to love'd rather turn and burn~

Love the 'easy' money~

Re: Black Friday Results??
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2011, 05:58:39 PM »
Well the flea is only open to rent booths on Friday.  However, I did talk to one of the vendors I chat with when at the flea.  She said Saturday was a great day for her, cleared $200+ with lots of traffic.  Said Sunday was a complete bust - only $30 that day.

So I may have to try next year.

Now the question is "Christmas Eve" ya or nay.  Guy that setup next to me again this week said it's a good time normally with the last min shoppers.  Flea will be open only from 7 to 12 instead of 4.  So if it's still the same fee I just don't know if I'll bother.

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