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Colorado flea markets, summer, 2013

Offline MovieMan

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Colorado flea markets, summer, 2013
« on: July 16, 2013, 08:24:02 AM »
Spent last week in New Mexico and am now in Colorado and will be hitting a few flea markets.
Denver has a big one (yeah, I know "that's what she said"), and some thoughts on that after June 22, 2013 when I get back to CA.

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Re: Colorado flea markets, summer, 2013
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 08:43:29 PM »
Back in California after a 12 day trip to New Mexico and Colorado. In Denver I went to the flea in Henderson which is north of Denver.

I came here last year (I think it was) and I'll look up the link to that thread.

This year much the same. This is a big flea with many permanent buildings holding permanent sellers and then two areas of what I will call "day sellers".  The first area only holds about 20 or so vendors and last year I thought "This is it?" but then I walked on around some permanent stalls and found over 100 other vendors nicely lined out over a large paved lot.

I saw a few things I would have bought had I driven, but too big to load on a plane.  If you are in the area, go to this flea for the experience if you are a flea market seller. Seems like there are a few on this forum, but these days more seem to want to open stores !

If you are reading this in July, 2013 and have experience with this market, please respond. Last year (in the old thead) there was one contributor here (can't remember who at the moment) who said I should have given him notice that I was coming....didn't think to look him up....maybe it was boxlot.  The old thread will tell us.

Meanwhile, any Colorado people who are willing to speak up ?

Sorry, no pics.

Edit: Here is the link to the March, 2012 posts in which genie144 first told me about the Denver flea.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Colorado flea markets, summer, 2013
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 09:13:27 PM »
Here's a link to another post about my March, 2012 thread about the Mile High Flea Market in Denver.

The fellow who sold there (see reply #12 in the thread below) was majblade. I just looked at his profile and he only had 9 posts a year ago so doubt he is still tuned in here.!/msg17728/#msg17728

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