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New Mexico flea markets, summer, 2013

Offline MovieMan

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New Mexico flea markets, summer, 2013
« on: July 16, 2013, 08:19:25 AM »
I'm on vacation in NM and Colorado and hitting a few fleas. Only have the iPad with me so will post observations and pics after June 22, 2013. Basically stuff is stuff, but in NM at least some differences.

Meanwhile, any NM people around to offer thoughts?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: New Mexico flea markets, summer, 2013
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 08:22:14 PM »
Back home in California after spending 12 days in New Mexico and Colorado. While my main reason for being there was to see my brother in Santa Fe and then my two daughters in Denver, I of course had to conduct some business as well, if nothing but research.

I went to 3 flea markets in Santa Fe. Here are pics of the first one which was just down the road from an Indian puelo (reservation) and was run by the tribe. Note the camera requirements in pic one.

Nope, no photos I didn't take any inside.

This shot was right at the parking lot before walking inside.

See next post for details about the vendors at this flea.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: New Mexico flea markets, summer, 2013
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 08:34:30 PM »
This flea is about 10 miles north of Santa Fe and as mentioned is run by a tribal group.  I was there about 10 am and only 6 cars in the lot at that time (on a Friday).

The very first vendor I saw as I turned left inside the gate was of African descent. Her goods were all Africa based and looked of high quality.  There were several silver jewelry vendors and all of their merch seemed of high quality. I know a little about turquoise and similar gems and the workmanship, quality and prices seemed right. In a review I read of this flea several people said they did better with prices than in the Santa Fe plaza which is famous for its Indian created jewelry.

There were some "art" dealers and one rock/gem dealer who had really good prices but I had flown and rock weight adds up fast for a plane ride so I didn't buy any stock to resell in CA.

All told there were about 40 vendors in mostly semi-permanent spots (walls, canvas, etc) and other spots that weren't occupied...maybe they would be on a weekend.

If you get there (or have  been there) please share....not all of us are from CA, GA, TX or the far east !

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