Storage Auctions

Have you ever run into a storage facility that has a "flea market" day?

Offline MovieMan

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In my area there are two who have done this. They have a "flea" or "yard sale" twice a year. They let their current tenants sell right out of their lockers with tables in front, etc.

I bought a lkr at one of them one time and it was great to be able to sell right out of it..especially the bigger pieces.
I gave up my regular Saturday flea  sale to do it and it paid off OK.


Offline Travis

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When I first started in the business, I held my garage sales in the storage facility parking lot. One day the manager suggested that we should have a tenant garage sale. I agreed. It turned out to be a nightmare with parking and security problems.

In North Fort Myers, Fl, there is a storage facility along Bus US41 that has a sale one a month. It looks to be selling abandoned lockers piece by piece instead of auction, as well as tenants wishing to sell from their lockers.

Stopped in a couple times while spending the winter there.

Offline Cobia

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In North Fort Myers, Fl, there is a storage facility along Bus US41 that has a sale one a month. It looks to be selling abandoned lockers piece by piece instead of auction, as well as tenants wishing to sell from their lockers.

Stopped in a couple times while spending the winter there.

I've seen those and ALWAYS stay away from thier auctions, I know the units have been picked through.

I have storage lockers in a South Jacksonville facility that I CraigsList sell out of and occasionally yard sell out of. The Managers are great and we have "flea markets" 2/3 times a year. The facility is actually adjacent to a huge parking lot for Whole Foods,Staples and other stores.. So we put up signs for customers to PARK outside the gates in the lot and enter on foot... and if they buy Big bulky items naturally they're allowed to drive in and pick up their stuff..all in all it works out well and it's getting a good reputation with local buyers

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