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How much does your flea market charge you to sell there?

Offline Travis

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How much does your flea market charge you to sell there?
« on: October 21, 2013, 10:30:33 AM »
How much does your flea market charge you to sell there and how much space do you get? Are there any extras included like covered or enclosed spaces, tables, etc?

Re: How much does your flea market charge you to sell there?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 11:04:25 AM »
Unfortunately where I live, there is no regular flea market. They do hold a community yard sale /flea market twice a year at the fairgrounds. You get your first indoor 10x10 space free, and each additional 10x10 space is $5. It is just 1 day on Saturday from 7-2 with setup on Friday. I tend to make more at my own yardsales though then I do at those sales and I do not have to haul all of my things down there.

Re: How much does your flea market charge you to sell there?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2013, 03:31:36 PM »
There is one place I go to that charges $5 for a space that can fit two cars for the day. There's also another place I go to that is the size of one car parking space and they charge $25 for half a day. It is a not a pretty place thats for sure but I do make quite abit there. When I go to the flea market I normally take all the junk from my auctions and sell it at $1.00 each. With the amount I take I normally come back with around $300-$400 for a 6 hour day. It's normally household stuff, nothing big so that it all fits in plastic bins in the back of my truck nice and neat.

Re: How much does your flea market charge you to sell there?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2013, 07:21:56 PM »
18x18 outdoor spot now up to $85 per day if pre registered $100 per day day of
premium spots additional corners and fronand back row
gave it up this spring too expensive

Does your flea market charge buyers an entrance fee ?

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How much does it cost to sell at a flea market?

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