My sisster is a lil OCD, so she keeps everything very neat and organised LOL
She's always going behind me and fixing things that I just did!
LOL what ever works. My husband and I go around in circles.

. I hate walking around things (think because I am short takes twice as many steps as him) He always stacks things so you have to walk alllllllll the way around the building, truck, ect. I always say leave a path.

Got our storage / sort area so I have 3 rows of tables and two walkways so you can get around for the past month have had to move stuff out of the walk ways

. Think he has got it now. Really he just lets me unload the truck and helps with the heavy stuff.

He is pretty smart. LOL
My booth is at Southern Pickers in Tifton, GA. Right now I am trying to sell a large quanity of clothes from my last two units. None of them are the brands that would do well enough on Ebay to go that route. There is not a consignment shop in Tifton that handles them so looking in nearby towns. May end up selling them at the flea first Sat. in March. Thankfully they were stored clean and are ready to sell.
Looked them up they pop up everywhere on google. So good advertising there.

Good luck on the clothes still struggling with the load we have. Thought I would do box lots of 25 pieces for $10. Got through 2 tubs and decided this is crazy.

If we could do a yard sale this weekend think I could get rid of a lot of them. (has been successful in the past). Looks like rain all weekend

and only half of ours are clean

Need to get rid of the clean ones to have space for the ones I have to clean.