Storage Auctions

Weekend Sales (1-28-12)

Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« on: January 28, 2012, 05:20:34 PM »
Since I'm going to be out of town next weekend and not able to sell I figured I would give this weekend at the flea a try.  Weather was going to be mid 60s, sunny, with wind of 5-10 mph.  Only had a few times with wind, and temp was nice.  Crowds were heavier then I expected.  I ended up with my 2nd best single day.  Didn't get rid of a ton of new inventory but got rid of some odd shape items that don't fit in totes well.

Big hits were:

.25 bucket
.50 bucket
world coins

Also traded 2 items that hadn't sold in 3 months for some brand new gas stove grates.  These things are heavy cast iron and worth scrap if can't sell them.  Bout to check fleabay.

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Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 05:45:55 PM »
sounds good we are loaded for tomorrow Flea. Hope we do well. Still undecided about the clothes. May just put up one table full.

Our sorting /storage area looks great hopefully want have to fill it back up tomorrow evening.  ;)

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Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 07:22:06 AM »
Well we did ok. Not fantastic.

Got rid of some inventory. Now I see why you guys like the smalls, my junky ones just walked away.
We took the van, truck and trailer full. The vendors were vultures on the trailer. Tried to help my husband back in. Poor guy they were not helpful. Paid for the rent in the first ten minutes of being there.

One guy was all over the antiques from my aunt. Think he would have figured out I new what we had after the first 5 prices.

Did not have space for any clothes and decided to leave them in the van. Wished I hadn't, totally different crowd. So we paid for next weekend for Sat.  One of the vendors said this past Sat was a bust. Not sure if the market was so busy sense I75 was shut down due to the fires (going to be a rough year all the lakes and swamps are dry). We have a fire north east of us that want go out unless we get a Hurricane.  :(

Going to spend the week going through the stuff we have toted around for a while and either dispose of or make .50 boxes. They will dig at our market.  Husband had all his man s*it and did not sell much. LOL He went to pay for next weekend I sold a bucket of rusty old screw drivers for $3.00.  ;D Told him he did not have the skill LOL 

The clothes will take a whole booth so will have to downsize the other stuff for the other booth.  Still inventory rich.

The thrift is still having problems. We have to regroup, the units we have been able to pick up all have been furniture and we were able to get rid of it now things are crawling.  ::)

Did come home to a reply to one of our classified ads. So looking up a little.

Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 08:31:20 AM »
That is great Money.  Vendor's can be ruthless or very helpfull.  Just depends on the person I've learned.  Early in the morning the first two dozen people you get are only looking for jewelry / coins.  I've had the same people ask me that questions mutliple times during the day.  No - I don't have gold jewelry that I'm stupid about and going to sell to you for $5.

I've learned the market shifts greatly from trip to trip.  Not sure why but some days my CD/DVD/Games sell like hotcakes.  This week I only sold 1.  Flip side - my world coins sold pretty well and normally only get interest in "US silver/gold" coins.  Go figure.

I did learn some new things this last time.  I had a horse tossed in with a bunch of other horses, toys, etc. in my $.50 item.  One of the ladies down 3 tables pulled it out and told me I may not want to sell it w/o doing some research.  Was a Bryer horse or something.  Ebay has them for $10+, so I put it on ebay for $5 to see.  Pulled out a bunch of silverware that was "Franklin Silversmith - China" stamped on it.  So trying to sell on ebay instead of the $.25 each they were being tossed in.

Every trip I take to the flea I learn something new.  So even when don't make much money I'm at least learning value of items I didn't have a clue about.

Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 09:38:47 AM »
Craigs...the Breyer horses almost always sell on eBay. I had over 100 when I was a kid, wish I would have kept them.  Even if they are scratched or flawed, you can sell them. They "custom" paint them or warm them up and re-mold them.

Here's an example:   This is one of the small horses, not the traditional size.

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Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 11:34:55 AM »
I just learned something about the horses.  ;D

Think we are in the same boat Craig learn with every trip. Wished our big locker had more than clothes and furniture in it. So will have to take the plunge next Saturday on the clothes. Have my fingers crossed. I did notice a blue jean vendor was busy yesterday.

All the good smalls out of that locker are gone. I have saved all the candles and the bits and pieces think I am going to make sand candles (old summer camp thing) out of them. all the candle crap sold like crazy.

And the religious stuff sold too. did not put the Bible out it is a little rough.

Have about 50 plates 2 or 3 matches. sold one for .10.  ??? just trying to get rid of them ::) they turn into a heavy item to carry around.

Still have a box of votive's I need to clean yard sale find.

Did find it hard to sell my Aunt's stuff. The prices she put are good but had one haggle so sold it for $10 less.  Have not talked to her yet so hopefully she want be upset. She did give me a no lower than price on some stuff.

Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 12:45:52 PM »
Well I tossed my stallion up for $5 since someone had another for $10.  Will see if I get a bite or not.  I'm still trying to figure out where I got it from.  I want to say it was out of one of my girls toy chest but honestly don't remember buying it.

I just learned what to look for in horses, match box cars, and silverware.  Soon I'll have to do a MoiveMan and use an ipad, mostly to keep track of what to look for :)

All of my computer stuff did well.  Made a little over $400 after fees.  So between that, the flea sales, and a few CL sales I'm at the break even point I think from my big loss last year.  Will have to calculate it tonight.  If factor in what I've kept then I should finally be in the black.

Money - I hope your aunt does stuff for you.  I try not to sell other people's items at the flea.  If they want me to sell their stuff (for free).  They best be helping me in some other way.  I just have too much work and not enough time/pay to do everything for free for friends / relatives.  Certain exclusions do apply ;)

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Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 05:58:58 PM »

I just learned what to look for in horses, match box cars, and silverware.  Soon I'll have to do a MoiveMan and use an ipad, mostly to keep track of what to look for :)

LOL yeah don't have the knowledge to even start using an ipad. (technology included LOL).

Money - I hope your aunt does stuff for you.  I try not to sell other people's items at the flea.  If they want me to sell their stuff (for free).  They best be helping me in some other way.  I just have too much work and not enough time/pay to do everything for free for friends / relatives.  Certain exclusions do apply ;)

She is paying me 20% commission we will go up if we sell a lot. And if I help her dig through her stuff she will trade items for the labour. Her stuff brought a lot of people to our booth too. So all good.

Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2012, 09:13:04 PM »
LOL yeah don't have the knowledge to even start using an ipad. (technology included LOL)

C'mon Money, you CAN do it!!!  If I can use a smart phone, anyone can!  It certainly has its advantages.

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Re: Weekend Sales (1-28-12)
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2012, 06:59:28 AM »
C'mon Money, you CAN do it!!!  If I can use a smart phone, anyone can!  It certainly has its advantages.

Have a plain jane phone (need to upgrade). Think I could figure it out. But I feel I spend so much time researching on the computer and still none the wiser, Would use up all my data per month on research on one item.  LOL

Using my Aunt as my smart phone she has been a collector for years. She did not know about my tea set I have. Need to take picks and put on here, sure someone on here may know something about it. The stamp is in Chinese.  ???

Thanks for your vote of confidence.  ;D

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