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Garage Sale at Storage Facility - For Tenants & Vendors

Offline Travis

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Garage Sale at Storage Facility - For Tenants & Vendors
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:12:43 PM »
On the 16th of this month, a storage facility in my area is allowing tenants & vendors to use their parking lot to have a yard sale. They're charging $10 per parking spot and there are about 30-35 spots available. They're located on a state highway so the sale should get plenty of traffic.

I rented 4 parking spots which will barely be enough room for all of the stuff I bought at auction last week. Their auction as a matter of fact. I don't think they have put much though into the fact that I'll be selling the contents of their former tenants belongings outside of their facility.

Anyway, I wasn't too happy that they were charging tenants to participate in the sale but apparently they're donating the proceeds to charity so I can't really complain.

This will be my first "community" garage sale. I'm so used to having large garage sales on my own. It seems like a catch 22 though. Having dozens of sellers will most likely bring in a large crowd but at the same time, it's a lot more competition.

Do you think having a community sale will increase or hurt sales?

Re: Garage Sale at Storage Facility - For Tenants & Vendors
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 11:09:14 AM »
Around these parts, these types of sales go largely unnoticed. About all the advertising you'll get from management is a little yard sign in front of the facility.. That is, if they do as they do out here. For guys like us, it's a great way to get inventory on the cheap! Most people who participate just want to empty out the unit so that they can move out of storage. If I were you, I'd bring someone to stand post at your stuff, so that you can go out and pick the others!

Offline Travis

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Re: Garage Sale at Storage Facility - For Tenants & Vendors
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 07:21:59 PM »
Had the garage sale on Saturday. It was the 16th so there was fresh money in everyone's packets.

Made about $1500 but I had about $500 in labor and truck rental expenses.

But considering that I was only selling the clothing and common household items (all expensive items and furniture were removed) $1000 profit after expenses isn't too bad.

Have you had a garage sale at your local storage facility?

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