Storage Auctions

"Wished I had the Money to do That"

Offline money4nothing

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"Wished I had the Money to do That"
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:49:00 AM »
That is what we were told by a retired gentlemen at the thrift store yesterday. Dropping off a truck and trailer load, He looks at us and the store owner and Said "these are your storage buyers? " She smiled and said "yes they are."
The guy looked at us like he was jealous. "Wished I had the Money to do That" I looked at him and said it is a lot of physical work. (no offence but he was walking with a cane).

So when we started this we decided we would not broadcast where we buy our items, not to inflate the shows.

Ok Background The thrift store is in a small rural community (everybody knows everybody except for my husband and I we keep to ourselves or at least trying too) This community is a four way stop with a gas station, small grocery, and of course a hardware / feed store.

So the store owner is broadcasting how she is getting her supply. In her defence she was given a hard time about us yard selling in front of her store. People were worried we were taking business away from her. She explained no you don't understand we are working together.  The last yard sale was better, people went in the store after shopping with us. If I don't have what they were looking for I would send them into her. We try real hard to only have the really low end stuff out there to sell. Most of our inventory is in the store. So why take away from ourselves.

So has anyone else advertising they buy storage lockers? Is it helpful or does it hurt?

I did notice at last yard sale we had repeat customers, Which is good and they know we will have new items. Not the every weekend yard sale people with the same stuff every week. Did see an add for someone having the every weekend sale and they state they buy storage lockers. (don't want to be that person).

Not sure where the "Wished I had the Money to do That" came from.

So any thoughts appreciated

Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2011, 07:08:04 AM »

So when we started this we decided we would not broadcast where we buy our items, not to inflate the shows.

So has anyone else advertising they buy storage lockers? Is it helpful or does it hurt?

That's a tough one as I often find myself biting my lip when asked "how long have you had it?"  or "why are you selling it?"  I usually end up telling folks how I got the 'item'.  I am not a good liar.....not real good at 'evading the truth' either.

I was doing a yard sale and traffic was slow (we live rural), so I ran another craigslist ad stating 'As seen on Storage Wars'.  It drew people in......

I'm now to the point of trying to keep my big, fat mouth shut, as I often have friends saying 'I've always wanted to try that'.......auctions in the Tucson area are busy enough without me turning others on to it.

And like you.......I ALWAYS stress the work involved.

The 'wish I had the $$$' thing seems normal to me.  A lot of folks think it takes a couple 'extra' grand to do what you're doing.  Perhaps that is what he was thinking.  Some see it as searching for treasure (which would be a luxury), while they have a 'real' job......many don't know that this is a real (physical, tough) job. 

We primarily sell via craigslist and a swap meet.  We have numerous repeat customers and a few know where we get our stuff, but most do not.  Now if I can quit blabbing......we should keep it that way~

on a side note......have you found any 'gems' yet?  I'm awaiting a "treasure" post from you~

Offline money4nothing

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Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2011, 07:26:32 AM »
My husband has slipped up a couple of times, Bragging I call it.   ;D

Usual response is we picked it up at a general auction.

But now the cat is out of the bag.

Not sure if what the outcome will be. Last yard sale, Lady came up oh it's the lady with the van, (big white Chevy conversion) now yard sale hauler.  It is why she stopped.

We are a little spoiled need to find other places to sell might help the situation.

On the gem not one yet the last two units kicked our butt... LOL To much furniture.

Heading out today if I can get my husband out of bed.  :D :D
Still on the prowl.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2011, 08:47:22 AM »

So has anyone else advertising they buy storage lockers? Is it helpful or does it hurt?

I certainly don't just put it out there ("I buy storage lkrs."), but if some one asks me "Where do you get your stuff?" or "Why are you selling it?" my response is "I just buy and sell stuff." 

If they pursue it ("Where do you buy?") I just say "Here and there."  They usually back off by then, but if they say "Do you go to those storage auctions?" I respond "Sometimes, but the crowds are huge and the prices are high."

After them asking three questions, that usually is the extent of the conversation. No matter what, it pays to be in control of the situation and to not get involved in that aspect of the transaction. They are there to buy "x" not to start a new career.

On a side note, this kind of conversation normally happens at a meeting for a Craigslist sale. At the flea market this type of question is seldom asked.

Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2011, 01:06:31 PM »
For me most of my family and a few co-workers know I do storage auctions.  For the most part when dealers mostly ask me where I keep getting this stuff I tell them at auction, stuff I've had in my 2 barns, and such.  I am very open with people if they ask a direct question.  Or if they are looking at something like my ring I tell them up front that it's gold plated.  Or the 2 purses I have are knock-offs.  People seem surprised by it but is what I do.  Not everything I sale comes from a storage auction as I still have a number of things from estate sales, my general collecting, etc.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2011, 07:20:44 PM »
Think our problem is we are not telling anyone. Except for the occasional slip.  Someone else is. Maybe I should talk to her.

And I think we need to find some other areas for selling.

Truth be known we are doing pretty good with Auction houses and yard sales. But a lot of running.

Thanks for the input.

Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2011, 07:20:10 AM »
I keep it close to the vest.Its hard when you really made a killing.

Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2011, 08:51:45 AM »
I openly tell anyone who asks, and often invite them to come and the info of looking in the classifieds for sale dates. So far I have not seen a single recognizable face. 

Offline bwd111

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Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2011, 03:00:01 PM »
I certainly don't just put it out there ("I buy storage lkrs."), but if some one asks me "Where do you get your stuff?" or "Why are you selling it?" my response is "I just buy and sell stuff." 

If they pursue it ("Where do you buy?") I just say "Here and there."  They usually back off by then, but if they say "Do you go to those storage auctions?" I respond "Sometimes, but the crowds are huge and the prices are high."

After them asking three questions, that usually is the extent of the conversation. No matter what, it pays to be in control of the situation and to not get involved in that aspect of the transaction. They are there to buy "x" not to start a new career.

On a side note, this kind of conversation normally happens at a meeting for a Craigslist sale. At the flea market this type of question is seldom asked.

This happens all the time to me as well. The site I use that is like CL  the site tells people not to support those who buy at storage auctions in there classified ads and to always ask where the item was bought.

Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2011, 03:18:02 PM »
This happens all the time to me as well. The site I use that is like CL  the site tells people not to support those who buy at storage auctions in there classified ads and to always ask where the item was bought.

Curious, does the site explain why they don't want people supporting storage buyers??

Also, what do you tell your customers when they ask where you got such & such items??

Offline money4nothing

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Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2011, 06:04:10 PM »
Curious, does the site explain why they don't want people supporting storage buyers??

Would like to know that too.

And an update: the last time we went to make a drop at the thrift she was talking about her customers wanting to know where she gets her stuff. And that they offered to do it also for her (they may think she pays us to do it). so I told her to tell them we just buy and sell stuff. Told her don't tell them storage auctions. She got it I think. Next yard sale up there want be until the 7th of January. So maybe it will die down by then.

Offline Cobia

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Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2011, 07:26:29 AM »
Curious, does the site explain why they don't want people supporting storage buyers??

Also, what do you tell your customers when they ask where you got such & such items??

I say auctions, estate sales, flea markets, yard sales. I don't preface "storage" auctions. Sometimes people ask directly if they are from storage auctions and I will tell them yes.

Another biggie is" did this come from a house with smokers or pets". Since so many people have alergies and asthma nowadays, I'm and always as honest as possible. If I know for sure it came from a house with smokers and/or pets, I tell them yes.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: "Wished I had the Money to do That"
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2011, 04:58:58 AM »
The site I use that is like CL  the site tells people not to support those who buy at storage auctions in there classified ads and to always ask where the item was bought.

Do they say why?

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