Storage Auctions

Another 60 dollar unit. oh yea

Another 60 dollar unit. oh yea
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:23:30 PM »
The wife and I was running  around and discovered that a storage facility was having an auction.  just so happens we were go that way anyhow.  The good thing was that we made another good contact...   They had 5 units and one didn't even sell, everything was clean but just to much junk stuff.  Well the unit we got went for 60 buck, and it had a bedroom suit that we need for an apartment we have.  We try to stay away from matresses but this one had a nice clean Queen size one.  More Tv's, Dvd's  and other normal junk,  but when we were going thru the last bag.  A nice and clean, white and blue "Los Angles lakers" jersey.  They only had the white one's in the 60's and this is not a repro...  It's Ebay bound.  The funny thing of it is that we at lease had 60 dollars worth of cleaning supplies in this unit. :-\

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Re: Another 60 dollar unit. oh yea
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2013, 08:31:45 PM »
Good score.

I bought this $5 unit that nobody wanted. It had a couple old 20 inch TV's and several boxes. One box in the corner caught my eye. It said Grandma's keepsakes. Turned out that 3 or 4 of the boxes were full of vintage Chinese figurines, porcelain Hina dolls, Chinese vases and even a piece of scrimshaw. It wasn't worth a whole lot, maybe a few hundred bucks but I decided to keep it was just too beautiful to part with.   

This unit sold for ..... post high dollar units here .... pics would be nice

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