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Any of you guys sitting on silver? You selling or holding with the recent crash?

Offline rulesforrebels

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I sold off a good amount of scrap silver lately before prices started to fall.

With the sudden drop just curious if you guys are holding waiting for it to bounce back or for long term or selling now while prices are high?

Obviously prices now aren't near an all time high not even close but just seems wierd job numbers come out worse, inflation is bad, etc all things which shoudl make it go higher and it falls fast.

I was watching Kudlow the other week and a guy was warning people about buying and mentioned some crash back in the 80's or so. I'm too young to remember that but it got me thinking, I wound up selling about half of the silver I was holding

Offline jrossjr79

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I for one right now am going to be holding all my scrap silver as well as gold. With prices just crashing like they are, its best if I hold on to it. The guy I usually go to to sell my scraps, for once since I been dealing with him paid me well below market. I got $25 less than I normally would with market prices, with the amount I had. Since I dealt with him it is the first time he bought below, he usually buys a slight bit higher than market, about 5% more.

Yes silver sits very good in my safe right now. And it will for a long time.
Have no need to sell it, and i think it will go further up in price, so i am waiting.

it dropped about $9 an ounce this week.  Mainly I think it was over the bin laden killing, and I feel it will bounce right back within a week or too.  I have actually been looking at the ebay ads, and they are all selling above spot price right now.

Here is a great website to follow for up to date metail coin values:  they usually update about 6x a day. True market values.

Offline Cobia

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I guess this topic is focused more about if one should hold on to scrap silver found in storage lockers or hold on to it and see if the price increases:

My perspective is considering silver as an investment and a hedge against inflation.

In my opinion,

1. Ignore Kudlow.
2. What ever Cramer says, do the opposite.
3. If I remember correctly the silver crash in the 1980 had something to do with the Hunt Brothers cornering the silver market and causing price manipulations/panic.
4. Much of the drop in silver last week was caused by new trading rules put into affect by Comex that start on Monday May 9, 2011.
5. Buy, Buy, Buy! silver historically trades lower in June and July, so the next three months could be very good for buying silver to hold for the long run.
6. Bin Laden's death doesn't take currency (money supply) out of the market or wipe Credit Default Swaps of the books. The dollar is weakening, and only seems to take a break on days that the Euro looks worse, but both currencies are in a race to the bottom right now.

Offline Travis

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What Cramer says must be taken with a grain of salt. If you are going to buy anything he recommends, make sure you listen to his radio broadcast which airs first in the day. He has made me some money in the past, but one has to wonder whether it is caused by the companies doing well or if the market moves purely on his recommendations. Regardless, he is entertaining.

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