Storage Auctions

Children at Auctions

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Re: Children at Auctions
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2011, 07:26:40 PM »
  Since You quoted case law "DAVID DALL, Plaintiff, v. CERTIFIED SALES, INC., Defendant, v. NORTHERN INS. CO., Third-Party Defendant. CASE NO. 3:08CV19(DFM). UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT ,
   Let Me through in my $ .02 .
  I drive bye  Certified Sales " on the way to our storage lockers , and often have breakfast at the Diner across the street  , and have stopped and spoken with Ron several times over boats or campers that are in the yard , there are some good deals if You know what You are doing .
  A few years ago a friend of mine looked at a nice offshore boat with " Two Blown 454 Motors " told him He wouldn't pay over $ 4,000. for it . 
  A  few weeks latter , He got a call that the Insurence company would accept that amount if He submitted a  bid  ?   ::)   One motor had a blown head gasket , and the other a broken rocker arm .
  He sold it after a couple of years of FUN  for $ 12,000.
  Ever wonder what happens when a person starts to fix a boat at a marina and don't finish/pay there storage fees ?
  As to if You can really buy them that cheap , check out there Fee-Bay Auctions Ended .
   Just don't offer Me a ride if I will fill the tanks LOL

Re: Children at Auctions
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2011, 07:18:36 PM »

By the way, if I see a 12 year old kid bidding on a decent unit at auction; he or she ain't gonna win it as long as I am there! Just sayin'  ;D

Lol  -  then you could be bidding against my oldest.  She loves auctions.  At the school auctions it's my girls that bid on pretty much every one of the baskets.  My oldest bids at the hockey jersey auctions (she is still mad at my company president for outbidding her).  For them I tell them the highest price willing to pay and they bid up to that point.  Figure it's good to teach them young if they have an interest.  It can even be a good strategy.  Daughter won a auction at one of the estate auctions due to the other bidder just couldn't bring themselves to bid against her.  She was 10 and had that childish energy about her.  Of course the item was something she had picked out for her so that prob helped.

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Re: Children at Auctions
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2011, 09:27:53 AM »
I think of kids bidding at auctions as being proxies for thier parents/grandparents so I am not gonna fall for that gimmick. If a kid is bidding on a small unit with toys and stuffed animals I'm not gonna be a scrooge and run them up, but if they are bidding on 10x20s, 10x30s full of furniture and boxes, then it's game on! I don't care how cute they are!

Of course there is always strategy #2, send in my own cute kids to bid against the other guys and gals cute kids. Could you imagine seeing that at auctions, hilarious!

Re: Children at Auctions
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2011, 05:39:27 PM »
I'm actually working to teach my daughter.  She even just opened up her first stock funds...and already crying how the market is tanking like an adult  ::)

But ya - a kid auction war would be funny to watch.  My daughter bids at the school and charity auctions.  Not let her bid at any estate auctions yet.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Children at Auctions
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2011, 09:38:21 PM »
I think of kids bidding at auctions as being proxies for thier parents/grandparents so I am not gonna fall for that gimmick. If a kid is bidding on a small unit with toys and stuffed animals I'm not gonna be a scrooge and run them up, but if they are bidding on 10x20s, 10x30s full of furniture and boxes, then it's game on! I don't care how cute they are!

Of course there is always strategy #2, send in my own cute kids to bid against the other guys and gals cute kids. Could you imagine seeing that at auctions, hilarious!

That would be mine settiments, I also do not pay attention to who is bidding as much as I should, I just go for it till I hit my peak.

Re: Children at Auctions
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2011, 09:09:26 PM »
In my area there are quite a few people that bring young kids, including us.  There usually seem to be 6-10 kids around.  There's even a couple families that seem too make their living at this.  The kids all hang out together and no one lets them delay the line to look in the lockers.  They seldom seem to be in the way. 

As for kids bidding, it's not done around here, I don't think it's allowed.  When one teenager bid yesterday the auctioneer wouldn't accept the bid until she knew he was 18.  I have seen a parent proxy for a younger teenager who wanted to use his money to get a unit he chose though.

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