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For those of you in colder climates has the winter slowed you down this winter?

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For those of you who aren't blessed to live in like Texas, Cali, Florida nad live in the midwest or other cold climates has the winter slowed you down at all this year?

This winter in Chicago has been unseasonably cold like weeks in the negatives, I think we have another cold snap of -30 with wind chill comming up. Curious  if any auctions are cancelled or if crowds are less with teh cold this year?

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Absolutely yes, the cold weather has a big affect on attendance.

I'm hoping this huge storm in Cali has a big effect tomorrow. This is always the best sale for me and they are doing the auction rain, hail or hurricane.

I was at an auction yesterday and it was probably 15 degrees, and over 60 people....

Huge rain didn't help keep people away yesterday. The crowd had more newbies than normal. Maybe everyone was hoping the same thing I was.

Any new STRANGE FINDS this winter?

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Storage Wars...Winter, 2012 Adventures !

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