Must be totally, 100%, emptied out. And swept.
Some even require any sort of paint spills, oil, ect. all cleaned up.
Don't and you don't get back security deposit, can charge you rent and may ban you from future auctions.
And the "scores" are a matter of opinion.
Friend got a locker for $150. In it was a brand new John Deer mower. Retails for $2000.
Awsome score, right?!
Then you take into account the 3 14hr days of back breaking labor to remove the construction material that was worthless. Locker was filthy.
Add in cost of locker, dump fee's (lots of HazMat stuff to dispose of too), cleaning materials, gas.....
He made a profit of $600.
Not much of a "score" when you take a look at the work involved......