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Has anyone gotten gold coins (or gold in general) in quantity ?

Offline MovieMan

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Has anyone gotten gold coins (or gold in general) in quantity ?
« on: December 21, 2013, 10:33:16 AM »
Even when I was buying 4 lockers or more a month (before the tv shows) I didn't get that much gold or silver in the ones I bought, but other people seemed to get a fair amount (unless of course they were lying).

What has been your experience (especially in the last two years)?

Re: Has anyone gotten gold coins (or gold in general) in quantity ?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2013, 11:37:00 AM »
I used to get gold and silver semi regularly but not near as often now.  Of course, part of that could be due to you can only expect to find it in a small percentage of lockers anyway, and since I'm buying WAY fewer lockers, I don't have as much opportunity to find it. 

I also think part of it is the shows fault.  Besides all the people that thought they were going to get rich off buying lockers watching, so were the people that were storing their stuff.  I really believe since the shows, a lot of people aren't putting their really valuable stuff in there, realizing that if they don't pay it will be sold.  So they put the stuff in storage that they figure if they lose it, big deal.

And I posted this a year of so ago, but here's a picture of the best jewelry haul I ever got in one locker......paid $380 for this locker, it was good!

Offline Travis

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Re: Has anyone gotten gold coins (or gold in general) in quantity ?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2013, 04:45:28 PM »
In the last 4 years (200 or so lockers) I've hit one major gold score (over 2K), one major silver score (over 2K), 2 average gold scores ($600-800),a small gold score ($200), a small silver score ($300) and 2 even smaller silver scores of ($150) each. On several other occasions I have found single pieces of gold and silver that were valued under $100.

It's fun when it happens but the odds are stacked against you.

Offline dbr831

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Re: Has anyone gotten gold coins (or gold in general) in quantity ?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2013, 09:41:41 AM »
Best gold score for us was this year. Found 5 small gold coins totaling in about $1500 value. Also found a bunch of silver coins (dollars, quarters and dimes) and a few pieces of silver jewelry. Other good stuff also including vintage stereo equipment, lots of fishing equipment, etc.... Paid $1500 for the unit, sold everything but the gold coins for around 4K so $2500 profit plus we still have the gold coins. Other than that we have found gold jewelry in assorted units valued from $300 to $800, most sold as scrap.

Re: Has anyone gotten gold coins (or gold in general) in quantity ?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2013, 11:53:19 AM »
Once in the last two years but it was jewelry. Scrapped for right under $2000.00. This was one of those units that you would have never expected to find this stuff in and proves that you need to go through everything! I found money and jewelry in coat pockets, purses, envelopes it was nuts but that is just how some people are. 

Re: Has anyone gotten gold coins (or gold in general) in quantity ?
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2013, 08:03:08 PM »
I buy rooms in NYC so there is quite a bit there, well there used to be anyway.  Back in 2009 I got a room for 200 and had a gold and diamond necklace in it that sold for 18k in 2011.  Paid 2500 for a room in 2010 and pulled out 75k in scrap.  I still have it so I'm still kicking myself I didn't unload at $1900/oz but oh well still a once in a lifetime hit. 

As other people mentioned though this is when I was buying many more units a month, around 5-10 a week back in the heyday.

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