Storage Auctions

The Storage Locker => General Storage Auction Talk => Topic started by: VinceRN on March 11, 2012, 07:01:01 PM

Title: Has anyone seen an acution like this?
Post by: VinceRN on March 11, 2012, 07:01:01 PM
There is an auction coming up in our area at a facility that rarely does them.  This one they have been putting of for months, but now it's scheduled.  We go fairly regularly to the big monthly caravans in the area, as well as to a couple other regular auctions, but I've never seen anything like this.

They want everything moved that day, and they want you to give them an inventory of what you find in the locker.  They also say they reserve the right to buy back anything, without specifying what they'd pay or why they'd do it.  I was shocked when I read this on their web site.

Sounds to me like if you get a good score they want to be able to buy it back from you at what you paid for the locker, which would defeat the whole point of buying a locker in the first place.

Anyway, has anyone ever heard of an auction like this?
Title: Re: Has anyone seen an acution like this?
Post by: Cobia on March 11, 2012, 07:30:38 PM
There is an auction coming up in our area at a facility that rarely does them.  This one they have been putting of for months, but now it's scheduled.  We go fairly regularly to the big monthly caravans in the area, as well as to a couple other regular auctions, but I've never seen anything like this.

They want everything moved that day, and they want you to give them an inventory of what you find in the locker.  They also say they reserve the right to buy back anything, without specifying what they'd pay or why they'd do it.  I was shocked when I read this on their web site.

Sounds to me like if you get a good score they want to be able to buy it back from you at what you paid for the locker, which would defeat the whole point of buying a locker in the first place.

Anyway, has anyone ever heard of an auction like this?

I'm not an attorney so my opinion may not be worth the key strokes but here are my thoughts.

Anything not written into the contract is non-binding. Verbal directions/instructions from the manager/employees is gobbly-gook. (Unless they are repeating verbatim fron the contract).
All contracts are negotible per law. (I strike out and initial sections of the contract I don't agree with when the employees aren't looking).
Always use the wording of the contract to your advantage. They have the right to buy back the contents, contract doesn't say at what rate? Charge them $5000.

The only time I have heard of such terms is when a facility is really concerned about lawsuits levied against them from the tenants whose property they sold. Maybe the management of this facility is not confident that their employees are organized and running the business properly. Maybe they have auctioned off the wrong units in the past.

Hopefully an attorney in contract law will join the forum so we can get some better advice about how to handle these unscrupulous storage facility contracts.
Title: Re: Has anyone seen an acution like this?
Post by: Lockerfreq on March 12, 2012, 12:04:36 AM
Title: Re: Has anyone seen an acution like this?
Post by: craiglstauction on March 12, 2012, 08:39:09 AM
Welcome back Vince - not seen you around since last summer.  I've read the "able to refuse bids" and things of that nature.  Never seen or read what you are talking about.  I'd be like Cobia and would read over the "contract" with a fine tooth comb.

As for the inventory and such - good luck to them.  I normally move out the first load or all of the unit (depends on size) as soon as I pay for the unit and the stuff is mine.  I don't do any sorting at the facility.  I open the unit, take 3-4 snapshots with my camera, load up and go.

I would go and do like Cobia said.  Strike out parts of the contract that you don't agree with.  I do it all the time with hospital, car dealerships, etc.  It will normally put the management in a tizzy but who cares.  In this scenario if you win a unit get and read the contract before you give them any money.  That way you can make the changes you want or just leave if they balk and don't go back.  Sounds like your not going to miss many auctions from them.
Title: Re: Has anyone seen an acution like this?
Post by: VinceRN on March 15, 2012, 10:25:55 PM
I don't think I will be going to this one.  Seems fishy and there are so many around ehre that missing the one or so a year they do won't matter.

@craigslistauction - Yeah, I'm not great at keeping up with online stuff.   I've still been working at it, and doing OK, making a little money.