How much for the jersey? I'm a niner fan
Are you looking for any other Niner stuff Drew? We got a locker a month or so ago that had a lot of general Niner fan things (shotglasses, mugs, bobbleheads, other lower end nicknacks) & some nicer things (Montana, Young & Rice footballs) & quite a bit I don't remember right now. Where we are though (KY) it is more Bengals territory & there isn't much of a market here. We're still sorting things but if you'd like I could get a list/pictures together to see if anything catches your eye. Shoot me a PM & we can hash things out.
tl:dr version - found a few probably game worn college football jerseys.
Short story long version - As to the topic at hand (& staying on a sporting memorabilia theme), a couple of weeks ago we got a locker in a not so nice part of town for a very good price. At first it didn't seem to be anything special (typical household stuff from what we guessed was an older (50ish) woman) but then tucked in the back were a few trash bags full of a man's clothes. Opening them up we found about 8 football jerseys from a local university (probably game worn but no way to prove it) & several baseball & basketball ones that it looks like he traded his for (all the names on them were at the univ at around the same time), & a huge pile of nice clubbing/evening clothes. As best I could piece together (from papers left & google) the guy had a huge local HS football career, got a full ride to the univ but only appeared in 7 games over the 4 years, graduated & moved out to NY. The guy also had a miserable childhood it seems (lots of foster homes & raised by relatives as mom was a junkie - again pieced together from paperwork left & a couple of news stories google turned up) but at least it looks like he escaped that mess. My guess is that he gave/trusted mom with the bags of clothes when he moved away (8 years ago) & that she either didn't care about her 'stuff' (junk mainly) & forgot about the bags or forgot about the locker entirely (court records show her still getting regularly picked of for drug possession...

). In the end though, while there was no way we could lose money on the locker, it looks like it may turn out WAY better than expected once football season rolls around & people are looking for football memorabilia again (especially if the team gets another bowl bid this year).