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How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?

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How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book? Does he tell people there is a $50 bill hidden within the pages?

Have you ever paid that much for a book? I mean besides a college textbook.

Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 12:04:14 AM »
I think he gets away with it because he has all those videos and people watch those and think he must have some super secret info that they will learn by buying his overpriced book.  Gotta hand it to the guy though......he's probably one of the few still making good money off the storage auctions.....and he doesn't have to deal with the crowds or dig through the crap!

Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2013, 02:50:22 AM »
Glendon is searching for the holy grail (Note the small caps) .  He has a $50 subscription site, and now a $80 talking book, and has more websites and promotions , than I can count.

He states that he made more $$$ in the storage auctions, (prior to the TV shows) than he does now, and I tend to believe him. While he probably knows as much as anybody about storage auctions,  he wants to do videos and write. Why?  You can draw your own conclusions.

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2013, 07:56:48 AM »
Let alone the advertising revenue he's probably making on his YouTube channel. I wouldn't want to do what he does. Having to come up with topics and then talk about them on video every week or so, it seems like the subject matter would get stale.

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2013, 08:43:47 AM »
How does Starbucks get away with selling a $7 cup of coffee?

How does someone sell a piece of toast that "looks" like Jesus on Ebay for $1,000? Or how ever the story goes.

How bout you do what you do and let Glendon worry bout  Glendon.

Sounds like you are just hatin' and creating a victim mentality. "I can't sell my book for $60, how come he can! That's not fair!"  :'(

By the way, you are doing what he does, only you spend time coming up with topics to discuss on a forum and he does it through video.

The difference is we can't see your pretty face!  :-*

Here is some hidden business advice, Glendon puts himself out there for everyone to see! Like him or dispise him his customers know who he is! Thats how you build trust and relationships. You want to sell your book for $60 then you need to sell yourself first!  ;)

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2013, 09:11:36 AM »
I can't believe you wrote the above statement. The only difference between you and Cameron is that you aren't doing it on video. Oh, and maybe the amount of money being made between the two of you.

IMO, the general interest in storage auctions is continuing to decline despite the peaks created by the introduction of new shows. All these kinds of things go through CYCLES and no one really knows what the next big THING will be. Maybe THAT would be the place to spend effort...finding out what the next popular flavor will be.

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 09:32:22 AM »
Here are two trend charts from Google Trends. The first one shows the popularity of the search term "storage auction" from 2004 through January, 2013.  The second one shows the trend for the last 12 months in close-up.
Yes, there are ups and downs in the close-up version...those (IMO) are likely caused by the tv shows.

The image above is a bit cut off on the right, but you can see that 2011 was the high point for the search on "storage auction".
In the image below you have to use the scroll bar just below the image to see the far right edge.

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2013, 09:44:01 AM »
I can't believe you wrote the above statement. The only difference between you and Cameron is that you aren't doing it on video. Oh, and maybe the amount of money being made between the two of you.

There are quite a few more differences between Glendon and I but I won't get into that. I would also estimate that we are both in similar income brackets. Although I'm sure book sales are down from their peak in 2011.

What I meant was that I wouldn't want the pressure of having to "perform" to my following and try to come up with something new to keep them pleased. With this forum, it's not all on me, we all contribute to the content.

Also, I think we already established that storage auction search volume was on the decline.

Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2013, 09:45:26 AM »
I have been going to storage auctions since 2005 or 6 , I have been selling on ebay since 2003 and craigslist since 2006 , Ive been at the flea market since 1987 or 88 and was flipping bicycles and parts from my backyard since I was 12 (1980)

when i saw glendons videos on you tube i subscribed and recognize him as someone whos been hustling and knows his stuff. I asked for and received his books xmas 2009 and I picked up several tidbits , that, to me at least, were worth the price of the books

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2013, 09:55:50 AM »
Glendon is a self-promoter there is no doubt.  Here's the link to his Amazon efforts.

amazon (dot) com/Glendon-Cameron/e/B003AK1T4I

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2013, 10:04:22 AM »
There are quite a few more differences between Glendon and I but I won't get into that. I would also estimate that we are both in similar income brackets. Although I'm sure book sales are down from their peak in 2011.

Why not get into it? It may provide some answers as to why he can ask $60 for a book which was the original premise of the topic.

What I meant was that I wouldn't want the pressure of having to "perform" to my following and try to come up with something new to keep them pleased. With this forum, it's not all on me, we all contribute to the content

Some more than others !

Also, I think we already established that storage auction search volume was on the decline.

Restating a fact (like restarting a thread on a subject covered long ago) helps those poor slobs who
don't know how to use a search engine within a forum. Also as time goes by the ups and downs are revealed during that passage of time. I'll post a thread showing the current status and then update it once a month so we can see the trend on a month by month basis.

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2013, 10:04:37 AM »
I think his strategy of pricing his book so much higher than all the other books is to make people think that there is something in it that the more reasonably priced books don't offer...and there is....about 150 pages of mindless chatter.

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2013, 02:19:14 PM »
If you look at the other storage auction education programs out there many people are selling a book for $20 or so with an upsell to some program for another $120 so his pricepoint though more than I would pay isn't that much out of line with others out there.

Also I think Glendon was really smart in making all the youtube videos and everything else he does online. He has kind of built a trust and a rapport with people, he's friendly, breaks things down simply, explians things well and has a personality as well. Honestly if I were in the markmet for something I'd probably buyhis $60 book before I bought some strangers $25 book that may be a vauge book that's just an upsell for some other program.

I'm not the type to buy educational programs whether its buy real estate with no money down or storage auctions all the info is out there for free for you. heck most peopl ewould be fine just reading this site and not payinjg for books or info but some people value someone else compiling and organizing info for them and will pay for it.

I do agree its a bit hgih priced but I don't doubt its selling fine.

Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2013, 03:07:23 PM »
I was a happy customer of his until he took $42 for a supposed "Bridge Fee" last spring and never provided the product I paid for. Now he refuses to return my money. Apparently he doesn't like seeing my "pretty face" on youtube sharing my experience, as he's filing violations of privacy because I used his full name in one of the videos...this is the guy that proudly uses his full name advertising his products but doesn't want anyone to see my video's. Note he didn't accuse me of lying, just using his name...

A common thief would have more pride...

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Re: How does Glendon Cameron get away with charging $60 for his book?
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2013, 05:30:36 PM »
he's filing violations of privacy because I used his full name in one of the videos

He has willfully turned himself into a public figure, so he cannot legally claim any privacy violation simply because you mention his name somewhere. In fact, his actions of trying to silence you are violating your first amendment rights. Start playing hardball back at him.

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