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How to get it moved

How to get it moved
« on: May 19, 2013, 09:35:35 PM »
I have searched because I am sure this has been gone over a million times, but I can't find the right thread. What do you guys do to get the lockers contents moved? Do you hire a moving company? Do you hire a couple of teens from the neighborhood? Do you just do it yourself? I am looking, as we all are, for the least expensive option, but I am willing to spend a little money so that I don't have to move my stuff in 100+ Texas summer heat.


Offline MovieMan

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2013, 10:26:52 PM »
Aside from hiring a moving company (you're kidding right?) the other two ideas work. The do-it-yourself option is of course the best; the heat? part of the business, as is the cold, the wind, the dead mice, the trips to the dump, the cleaning of the items, the sale of the items. That's what this business is about (on the negative side).

On the positive side you mind find it fun to go on a treasure hunt in a locker you bought; to make money on sales, to get stuff for your own use, etc etc.

The alternative is some regular 9 to 5 job which is more guaranteed to keep you out of the heat (unless you're a construction worker or a gardener) and to give you a regular paycheck and medical benefits. Only you can decide what works for you. Try it out. If you don't like it in 3 months to a year, quit.

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2013, 10:56:52 PM »
I have searched because I am sure this has been gone over a million times, but I can't find the right thread. What do you guys do to get the lockers contents moved? Do you hire a moving company? Do you hire a couple of teens from the neighborhood? Do you just do it yourself? I am looking, as we all are, for the least expensive option, but I am willing to spend a little money so that I don't have to move my stuff in 100+ Texas summer heat.


Paul, the first two lockers I bought I moved myself. It didn't take long to realize that the backbreaking labor in Texas heat wasn't for me. I hired a couple day laborers and would pay them $10 an hour to do all the lifting. Now, that doesn't mean that I wasn't there working. I would be inside the unit going through boxes looking for valuables and then when I was done looking through the box, I would have them load it. It was a fairly efficient process. If you're planning on buying in volume (3 or more units a week) I recommend this method. You will already be working hard enough going to auctions, managing labor, taking photos of your merchandise, listing them for sale on Craigslist & eBay and having sales. Don't overload yourself by trying to do all of the manual labor as well.

You can find workers at your local day labor center, Craigslist (Moving Gigs) and even Home Depot. (Yes, there are citizens and documented workers there too.)

Pay them a fair wage. I have found that most of them won't take less than $10 an hour. Find a couple guys you can depend on and get their phone numbers so you can call them whenever you need them.

Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2013, 08:04:39 AM »
Very good...I posted on Facebook that I needed a couple of teenagers of friends who would want to make some extra cash this summer, told them up front it paid $10 per hour, and the replies are already coming in. One of the more popular kids at my church a;ready said he was in, and that should bring in more of the teens from church, so I think I will be golden least for the summer. Thanks guys!


Offline Alias300

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2013, 11:42:41 AM »
I use craiglist for any moving.
Deals vary but about two months ago got two guys and a truck for $75/hr.

Moved the contents of a one bedroom, second floor, condo to a third floor condo ten miles away in just under 1.5 hours.   

You can sometime get hem to make a dump run for you too.

Just be sure to ask how big the truck is. 
Also, if they charge mileage and do they count drive time in the hourly rate.  Don't want to pay $75/hr for them to sit in traffic.

Day labor is good.  We use to go to the Latino Workforce to get labor.  Bet part is you can tell them its flat rate.   $50 each if it takes them 10 minutes or ten hours.   Really speeds up the productivity.

Picked up four guys to do roof tear off/cleanup.   Told them it paid $75/ea.   $100 if it was done before noon. Dropped them off at 7am, got a call at 10:30.  It was done!
So I dropped them at another job site, same deal but by 5pm.    Came back at 4pm and not only were they one but had layed the paper, separated the roofing and tarped it for he night!

Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2013, 06:16:42 PM »
Up to this point the method I've used is just to load it myself. I load everything I can with my van. The bigger pieces sit in the unit until I HAVE to get it out. If the facility gives me 3 days to vacate, I put an ad up on craigslist for those items and sell from that unit. Anything that doesn't sell goes into a U-Haul. By myself and a hand truck I can load just about anything. You should see some of the crazy looks I get moving a sectional couch by myself.

That being said, going into the summer is not going to be fun.. I may have to invest in some muscle on those hot summer days.

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 05:45:27 PM »
90% of the time I move everything myself, including furniture & appliances. The only thing I tend to need help with are those huge China hutches with all the glass panes. Generally everything else I can man-handle myself. I do have a couple of guys on call for larger units though. I can empty a loaded 10 x 10 in an hour. I love the 100 degree heat! The only kind of weather that actually seems to keep people away from auctions and bidding. Tornadoes & Blizzards? No problem! 100 degree heat? We ain't messin' with those unit!

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2013, 12:52:13 PM »
Hiring a moving company would be silly they charge crazy prices. My personal opinion is unless you have a shop and have employees already being paid that are sitting idle in which case your really not out any additional money to have it moved for you I think we should all be moving our own stuf. Were working on thin margins already, plus you never know if someone might pocket a necklace or something valuable. If your not willing to put in some sweat labor what are you doing in the business you know.

That said if you have so much stuff or bought multiple units and need help cheapest route would be getting a younger neighbor or relative looking to make a few bucks.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2013, 03:18:37 PM »

Click on Fantasia's profile and then look at the several threads he has started. You'll quickly understand that his career in auction buying lasted one week (or less). Anyway, good info for others who will read this thread.

Offline Alias300

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2013, 06:57:32 PM »
I think we should all be moving our own stuf.

I've had two shoulder surgeries and (minor) heart surgery in the past 18 months.
I've had every muscle in my shoulder cut apart and surgically pinned to various bones.

Can I get a pass on moving my own stuff? 

Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2013, 08:12:05 PM »
I usually handle everything myself...however on those occasions when I need help,I just call a guy that I met a few years ago..he's a Director of  a Halfway house...most of the residents have struggled with alcohol and are trying to get there lives back together... and all are at least a few months clean & sober... these guys are broke, so appreciative of a little cash, actually love the exercise that's involved and are determined to do the moving,lifting,clean up perfectly and very quickly.It breaks up the tedium of the structured environment they're living in & obviously they want to be asked back again.. I've had nothing but the best experiences with these guys,everybody wins.

Offline Cobia

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Re: How to get it moved
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2013, 09:04:35 PM »
I usually handle everything myself...however on those occasions when I need help,I just call a guy that I met a few years ago..he's a Director of  a Halfway house...most of the residents have struggled with alcohol and are trying to get there lives back together... and all are at least a few months clean & sober... these guys are broke, so appreciative of a little cash, actually love the exercise that's involved and are determined to do the moving,lifting,clean up perfectly and very quickly.It breaks up the tedium of the structured environment they're living in & obviously they want to be asked back again.. I've had nothing but the best experiences with these guys,everybody wins.

Great advice, think i'll give this a try.

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