Storage Auctions

How to handle...........

How to handle...........
« on: October 13, 2011, 07:35:06 PM »
Other bidders when they ask questions about how much I got for a item.

The couch I got on Monday for $1 I wiped down with a cloth and proudly sold for $150. (Well actually I sold it for 100 and the guy offered 150 if I would deliver it.)

 On Wed at the auction one of the regulars who saw me get the couch for a dollar asked, "was that coach in good shape?" I told her yes the couch was nice and I sold it. She asked for how much and I told her 100. she smiled and said that great.

   Her and her husband have been very friendly and are what I call smart buyers. they bid but I havent seen them overpay.

 However after Weds auction she came up to me and said sorry for running the bid up on me. She said "I didn't really want that locker, but couldn't  let it go for less than 100." While another person jumped in late and took it from me she admitted she ran up the bid and even that she didn't want it.

  Is this a normal thing? How  do you handle this? I saw several other regulars up talking to her and her husband before and after the auction. She is really nice otherwise. Or is this just a act?

Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2011, 08:05:23 PM »
Most regulars have a quid pro quo type of thing.  You don't run them up and they don't run you up.  Noobies are fair game for the most part if they come in all stupid.  Now, as for this lady from the sounds of it I would be leary.  If she keeps doing that you can always turn the game around.  See what units they always bid on and run them up some.

It's like today - a few of the regulars were laughing about running each other up.  They really don't as a group of 3 of them mostly bid on the same type of units.  One of the nice units today one of the guys I always talk to won for $500.  We all thought it would of gone higher.  However, one of the regulars and myself didn't bid against him since he was the one bidding.  I've been shown the same respect and try to repay it to others.

Many of us work together.  Be it helping ID something in a locker, use a flashlight, help empty a locker, etc.  Even found out the car dealer loaned some cash to another regular on a huge unit last week as she wanted it and he didn't.  She promptly went to the bank and returned his cash.  Now - if we all like the same locker all bets are off on that locker.

I would always understate how much you make or sell something for unless it's someone your "circle" so to speak.

Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2011, 08:56:26 PM »
Most regulars have a quid pro quo type of thing.  You don't run them up and they don't run you up.  Noobies are fair game for the most part if they come in all stupid.  Now, as for this lady from the sounds of it I would be leary.  If she keeps doing that you can always turn the game around.  See what units they always bid on and run them up some.

It's like today - a few of the regulars were laughing about running each other up.  They really don't as a group of 3 of them mostly bid on the same type of units.  One of the nice units today one of the guys I always talk to won for $500.  We all thought it would of gone higher.  However, one of the regulars and myself didn't bid against him since he was the one bidding.  I've been shown the same respect and try to repay it to others.

Many of us work together.  Be it helping ID something in a locker, use a flashlight, help empty a locker, etc.  Even found out the car dealer loaned some cash to another regular on a huge unit last week as she wanted it and he didn't.  She promptly went to the bank and returned his cash.  Now - if we all like the same locker all bets are off on that locker.

I would always understate how much you make or sell something for unless it's someone your "circle" so to speak.

Well the unit she bid me up on was worth around 100 I think, and I'm not sure how much I wanted it. I guess I will just kinda wait and watch to see what happens

Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2011, 09:19:19 PM »
Always keep your cards close to your vest.If you are pictured as a threat it will happen more.Down play your success.

Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 09:44:59 PM »
Im always down to gamble 100. So if i see a bid closing less than that ill bid it up a bit if it looks worth it

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Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 09:45:46 PM »
Just remember, there are no friends once the auction starts, if they think you are doing better than them, they will run you up out of spite, till otherwise you prove yourself. Personally when I am out there I downplay what I get and how much I get it for. Never told anyone of them out there of the few treasures I have gotten, unless I think I can unload some of it on them for a decent price, especially if I am having a hard time moving it myself.  I always tell them I lost money, or I just made my money back. I never tell them I made double or triple. This makes you a threat to them. Especially if you are a noobie.

Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2011, 10:06:20 PM »
Just remember, there are no friends once the auction starts, if they think you are doing better than them, they will run you up out of spite, till otherwise you prove yourself. Personally when I am out there I downplay what I get and how much I get it for. Never told anyone of them out there of the few treasures I have gotten, unless I think I can unload some of it on them for a decent price, especially if I am having a hard time moving it myself.  I always tell them I lost money, or I just made my money back. I never tell them I made double or triple. This makes you a threat to them. Especially if you are a noobie.

That's what makes it hard to post more on the forum sometimes.  I am pretty well known in my area, and I don't really want all the locals knowing more about my business than they need to.........

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Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2011, 07:11:03 AM »
I don't know if it's just my area or the people I run into, but I say the split is 50/50. 50% nice people and 50% jackasses. I'm thinking it's due to the economy in Michigan but I could be very wrong.

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Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2011, 07:42:44 AM »
This is a great thread!

I agree with everyone else, downplay your successes but don't go over the top crying "poor mouth" like you lose money on every unit. They won't believe that. I typically give a little good with the bad, never brag or rub it in when I do well, but don't pretend I am losing my butt on every unit either.

As far as the lady "running you up". That is to be expected. Expect it when you are a noobie, and expect it again later when all the regulars see you are gonna stick around and you start really competing with them.

Helpful hint* Have the capital to fight them off, know what units they like and why they are into storage auctions so you can turn the tables on them. If someone becomes a real pain, and is singleing you out to "run up", make it impossible for them to win a resoanably priced unit they want. Most people will back off once they know you can make it tough on them. Until you have enough money to play that strategy, just roll with the punches and don't overract.

The Teacher makes a great point about how much info we share about are own business on this forum. Don't know how many followers from our "neck of the woods" are lurking on this forum as guests and putting 2 & 2 together to find out who we are.

Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2011, 10:35:02 AM »
Decide ahead ahead a time the max you will pay and don't go over that.You don't want to get into a pissing contest.Nothing more fun when someone tries to run up the price and gets stuck with a locker they don't want.

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Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2011, 12:46:54 PM »
Decide ahead ahead a time the max you will pay and don't go over that.You don't want to get into a pissing contest.Nothing more fun when someone tries to run up the price and gets stuck with a locker they don't want.

Your made me chuckle. I can't help but hear Barry Weiss in my head when I hear the word pissing contest.  I'm referring to the Darrell, Jarrod and Dave bid war on the unit that had those gems in them.   At the end Barry says to Don the pissing contest is officially over.

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Re: How to handle...........
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2011, 05:28:27 PM »
A noobie here but great question posted something similar about no one bidding against a Whale on a reasonable locker. He bid up the other noobies yesterday but they were acting stupid. Someone told a girl Oh wait might be giving myself away. :)  We bid against him and have the label of Dam noobie ran me up $150 the locker went for $175. Sure he will run us up in the future.. Oh ya still no locker.  :(

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