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How to open a locked version

Offline MovieMan

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How to open a locked version
« on: June 07, 2011, 06:47:32 PM »
I got a safe in a locker the other day and posted a pic and description in another thread, but that thread is now locked so I couldn't post any more info about the safe (or any new pics).

Here are two pics of the interior (after "cracking" it) and some text description of what was inside.

I'll post additional information in a second post here about getting SOME safes open and then I will lock this thread down. No need for anyone to respond to it.

Above, the unopened safe.

Door of the safe contained some .357 rounds. I had also found some in the lkr and was hopeful the safe had the pistol.

In pic above you can see it was mostly paperwork; social security disability papers, child support papers, car repair papers dating back to 1995 (?) several baggies of pictures of his wife and child. (the wife...what a nightmare she was!), a small glass vial 1" tall and 3/8" across with only remnants of a white powder. No pistol!   Oh well, another time.

Oh, I forgot the 4" x 4" x 6" box with a Colts Christmas tree ornament (made in China!).

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How to open a locked version
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 07:36:56 PM »
If you have a Sentry safe that is locked, you are in luck as Sentry can help you get it open. Their website has a form you use or you can use the locksmith approach I talk about later in this post.

Here's the Sentry link for getting combination/keys.

You can download it online; print it, get it filled out, notarized and you can even fax it back to them, making it only an hour or so task (faster than snail mail). If you just get combination, it's $20; keys (2) provided for an additional $15.

My safe only uses a combination (rotary dial), and a user is very unlikely to change those; the push-button combination safes would be easier for the previous owner (and you) to change, so some concerns there.

Another way to take care of it is to take the safe (or even just the model and serial numbers) to your local locksmith; if they are registered with Sentry, they can call Sentry and get the combination and get the safe open. If keys are needed, I don’t know if the locksmith or Sentry would provide them. My safe pictured above did not need keys.

I got the combination from the locksmith (who got it from Sentry) tried it and “voila”….it opened !

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