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I'm quickly learning to hate pianos

I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« on: September 16, 2011, 12:31:15 AM »
I've been to quite a few auctions in the last month, since starting out, and it seems like there are pianos in at least one unit at every auction. I went to an auction yesterday; from the outside of the unit I won, I could see a vintage looking typewriter case, (which turned out to be a 1930's LC Smith Corona)  ;D I moved some boxes, pulled a blanket down, and of course, there's a piano. The wheels barely work and it weighs like 700 lbs. It seems like nobody wants pianos. What does everyone else do with them? Thanks!

Re: I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 12:52:35 AM »
Last one I got I parted out. SOme of the more interesting wood trim I kept and there was was neat metal work.  The soundboard weighed 200 pounds of cast iron.  Got 10 cents a pound for it.  I ripped it apart in the unit and hauled what I did not want to the dump. I got about $50 out of the parts and $20 out of the cast iron. Only paid $20 for the locker as the piano was showing and it looked bad.

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Re: I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 07:41:25 AM »
Thats funny, it's not pianos in my area, but rear-projection TVs from the 70s and 80s that are the problem with so many units.

Re: I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 04:30:43 PM »
I've yet to see a piano in a locker in my area.  I've seen 4 guitars (purchased one), and a keyboard but no piano's.  I'll have to keep drbecker's info in mind if I do see one however.  Even if it is in bad shape and the unit goes cheap.

Re: I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 05:05:23 PM »
Saw one on Friday in an oddly shaped corner unit.  Right in plain sight were a beat up, half-height, upright piano, a very beat up front loading washer and dryer, several large pieces of furniture (all in bad shape or particle board).  Then back in the weird corner were lots of boxes and interesting things like tools and even a funky sculpture.  But no one wanted the piano or the beat up laundry machines, so a regular got it for very cheap.  I don't remember exactly, but I want to say right around $150-$200.  Someone asked him what he would do with the piano and he answered, "Bring a sledgehammer."

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Re: I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 09:58:32 PM »
 A $150 or $200 is Not Very Cheap for a bunch of boxes if You have to break up a piano and Fall A Particle Board  furniture plus dispose of it .
  Plus tools are not bring this year what they brought for $$$$ two years ago , at least not in New England .Bandit

Re: I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2011, 12:50:09 AM »
I finally sold the piano today! I was happy to get $150 for it too. (and not have to move it again!)

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Re: I'm quickly learning to hate pianos
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2011, 07:16:09 PM »
I've bought three units with Pianos. One was a nice Yamaha Grand Piano wound up getting $6500 for it was hoping more like 10k but that wasn't happening so decided to settle as that's still a good payout, only paid 2k for the unit.

I've bought two other pianos, one I wound up holding onto forever and finally sold for $50 and another one I couldn't get anyone to pay for it. I put it up on craigslist for free and the guy who picked it up was named Billy Joe and had a bed and breakfast he offered me a free stay at but had no desire to go.

Do you flip things quickly or hold out for the bigger bucks?

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