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I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o

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I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o
« on: March 20, 2011, 06:07:26 AM »
Definition: A person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. A person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o

Over the last week, I have received a lot of criticism for some of my posts that had a link in them to my website. Most of my posts have quality content that contributed substantially to this forum. There were a few postings that were just a small paragraph with a link to my website. I admit that these were only advertisements for my business; however, these two advertisements were placed in the geographic threads.

Back to the subject, I received a lot of criticism from Mr. Anderson about these postings because he said that the forum should not be used to promote one's own business. However, I recently read a post by Mr. Anderson in which he is soliciting new recruits for his multi-level marketing business or in other words his "pyramid scam". Here is the link.

At least our business has something to do with storage auctions and could be useful to the reader.

Also, I read another post where he is trying to recruit people from this forum into his own forum. Here is the link.

Mr. Anderson, I realize that you have some sort of resentment toward technology and innovative ideas but you shouldn't judge others ambitions. How would you like it if I said that your blog was going to fail miserably and that there is no market for a Memphis based storage auction forum? How would you like it if I said that only idiots fall for pyramid scams? But, I would never say that, then that would be hypocrisy on my part. Practice what you preach reverend! :o

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Re: I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2011, 11:29:56 AM »
Mr. Anderson has a plug or two for himeslf as I think many of us have but your posts every single one has a reference to your site.

Do you provide real posts, sure but its always followed up by a totally out of left field reference to your site.

Re: I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 11:54:01 AM »
Definition: A person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. A person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o

Over the last week, I have received a lot of criticism for some of my posts that had a link in them to my website. Most of my posts have quality content that contributed substantially to this forum. There were a few postings that were just a small paragraph with a link to my website. I admit that these were only advertisements for my business; however, these two advertisements were placed in the geographic threads.

Back to the subject, I received a lot of criticism from Mr. Anderson about these postings because he said that the forum should not be used to promote one's own business. However, I recently read a post by Mr. Anderson in which he is soliciting new recruits for his multi-level marketing business or in other words his "pyramid scam". Here is the link.

At least our business has something to do with storage auctions and could be useful to the reader.

Also, I read another post where he is trying to recruit people from this forum into his own forum. Here is the link.

Mr. Anderson, I realize that you have some sort of resentment toward technology and innovative ideas but you shouldn't judge others ambitions. How would you like it if I said that your blog was going to fail miserably and that there is no market for a Memphis based storage auction forum? How would you like it if I said that only idiots fall for pyramid scams? But, I would never say that, then that would be hypocrisy on my part. Practice what you preach reverend! :o

When did a blog become a forum ? Do you even know what a blog is tclane?
A blog is something that you have, a place to write about something you like, or something you think people would enjoy. I don't care about how many who follows my blog. If it 1 or 9 does not care, the blog is a personal thing for me and nothing else. If people wants to read it and follow it, then thats ok. If they don't want to then thats ok to.  

You know what, i would love it, if someone started a Memphis based forum like this, it would be cool and fun. Infact i hope someone does it really soon, i would join it in a second.

I also see that you don't know what the hell you are talking about when it comes to my other post. But thats ok.
You can call it whatever you want, As long as i have a use for it, and can use it to make my business easier,  it is a tool i use for my businesss then thats whats count for me. I do not run anything else out of it. Did i offer it to people in here? yes i did. Based on what? and why?  Becasue  i use it, and it has helped me in my business making a turnover. And isen't that what we all in the storage business want and need? higher turnover and faster sales?  And thats how you should look at it, as a tool to create more sales for your storage business. I agree with you on one thing, only idiots join in pyramid scams.

The problem is, you posted spam in almost every thread you post in here, and to Drew the forum owner thats not right. Or the other sponsors who pay for it.

Re: I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 11:58:26 AM » my every forum on any subject... there is always a cast of characters just as if a reality show hand picked them to create good drama and confrontation...haha

Just like every Condo Association has one or two "condo commandos"  every good storage auction forum needs a disgruntled, opinionated, confrontational commando to piss off others, stir the drama and create controversy.

I have a hunch that Mr. Anderson is actually Drew's alter ego ....just to keep readers coming back and build his forum....LMAO   :o   

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Re: I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 01:04:53 PM »
That's hilarious! But no, Drew has better taste than that.

My point is that there are several individuals here that promote their business. The posts that I made may have referenced my business but the content was always conformed to the topic in the thread.

It makes no difference whether you do it once or a thousand times. I personally don't even find your advertisement for the network marketing that offensive, I just used it as an example to point out how there are a lot of different agendas here. I have stopped putting a link in my text unless absolutely necessary.


Re: I love Hypocrites...well, I love to expose them :o
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 01:50:25 PM »
Not choosing either side, everyone say one thing and at times does another (hypocritical) so everyone, even myself is hypocritical, best thing to do is just do what you do and not worry about others.

Just my 2 cents which we all know now a days ain't worth anything.

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