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Is your significant other a hoarder?

Offline Travis

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Is your significant other a hoarder?
« on: September 22, 2013, 01:27:26 AM »
Do you have a significant other or family member that hoards certain things from the units you buy?

My wife has a serious problem with shoes & clothes. I was just evicted from our closet. I had about 25% of the closet but the other day she was complaining that she didn't have any space left to put her clothes. I offered her my little section of the closet and found it amusing how quickly she accepted and moved my clothes the drawers and shelves.

Oh well, I guess it's time to buy a bigger house.  ::) 

Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2013, 09:16:58 AM »
Are thread topics so low we needed a "Are you a hoarder" and "Is your significant other a hoarder"?

Me and my girlfriend enjoy watching the shows on TV about them, and I am friends with a couple on the auction circuit who are hoarders. It was like a privilege being invited into their home. They are clean hoarders, with piles of brand new merchandise/knick knacks piles everywhere as far and high as you could see. It is kind of weird wondering how they could live like that, with literally the only space being walkways from room to room and some couch space.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2013, 12:27:17 PM »
Are thread topics so low we needed a "Are you a hoarder" and "Is your significant other a hoarder"?

Me and my girlfriend enjoy watching the shows on TV about them, and I am friends with a couple on the auction circuit who are hoarders. It was like a privilege being invited into their home. They are clean hoarders, with piles of brand new merchandise/knick knacks piles everywhere as far and high as you could see. It is kind of weird wondering how they could live like that, with literally the only space being walkways from room to room and some couch space.

The answer to your question is ..yes. However it was nice to see that you shared a hoarder story.  The ones on the tv shows are so extreme it is truly sad to watch them and I finally had my fill after half a dozen episode during the first year.

Your "neat" hoarders are "cousins" I would guess of the ones who are truly ill. When you say it's weird wondering how they could live like that I am right there with seems like no way to live.

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Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2013, 08:46:23 PM »
Now, I can totally understand someone wanting to hoard the good stuff mainly because I do it too. Not because I want to keep it but because I just don't have time to sell it all and I know that most of the stuff (collectibles, antiques, tools, etc.) aren't going to depreciate. I look at it as my redneck 401K.

Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 11:30:41 AM »
My wife wants to keep everything! It drives me crazy! She also doesn't want to discount too much in the store. My philosophy is churn and burn, get the stuff in, price to sell, move it out. If it doesn't sell right away, start marking it down and get it out! She wants to hold onto everything like we've got 10,000 sq. ft. of space to keep it all! This weekend I finally convinced her to start donating more clothes. We used to donate stuff that was not worth selling. Stuff with holes, stains, etc. Now we're keeping 1 clothes rack that I can move in and out of the store, and that's it! It'll just have seasonal clothes on it. But if it were up to her, we'd keep it all and eventually sell it..

She's also a hoarder with boxes. She wants to keep all the boxes. Every time we process a unit out, we have 10-15++ boxes.. She always wants to keep them! I finally cleaned out some space in our store removing a majority of the boxes. Using them to bring the clothes to Goodwill! Now we can breathe in the store again!

Offline Travis

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Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 11:46:04 AM »
When I was buying full time, I accumulated totes quite quickly. About once a month, I had a regular who would come by and buy them all $3 a piece. Usually came out to around a hundred bucks. It's amazing how things like this add up. In this business, it's all about maximizing your profits...even on the insignificant items.   

Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 12:18:00 PM »
I agree! I hold onto the totes that I get, but she likes the cardboard boxes for some reason! No matter how much I tried to explain to her that we will constantly get new boxes with each unit we buy, she wanted to keep them all! Finally this weekend we were cleaning house for a couple of lockers that we bought, and she saw just how much space this stuff was taking up and agreed to let it go.

Re: Is your significant other a hoarder?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2013, 07:12:35 PM »
My husband would be if I let him.  He always wants to keep stuff that he will never use. If I come across something I will actually use or really want then I will keep it, otherwise no. His dad is worse.  He used to rent a garage just to keep his stuff in.  He is always buying stuff off of people and then just puts it in storage and never looks at it.  Once, when my husband and I first started dating we went to help his dad clean out his garage because we where going to the flea market and his dad wanted us to try to sell some stuff for him...we spent HOURS going through everything and ended up with hardly any stuff to sell, and what he did want to sell he wanted way to much money for it so nobody wanted to buy it. Eventually he built his own garage now he has all his stuff in his back yard.

My mom too.  She is a yard sale and dollar store shopaholic, and most of the stuff she buys she hardly uses.  My dad makes sure the actual living area of the house is not piled with stuff, but anywhere else is filled.  When I moved out it took her less then a month to fill my room with stuff, and I had the biggest bedroom in the house. Their house is a three bedroom, in my parent's room you can just get to their bed. Every once in awhile she will go through her stuff and then show up at my house with totes of coloring books, office supplies, craft supplies etc for the kids and then tell me she took stuff to my two sisters as well. lol

By husband's grandmom is another one.  She's 89 and lives with my mother in law.  She had their shed filled with stuff in no time, her thing is furniture. She is always buying furniture and little nick nacks and applicances.(washers dryers and fridges)  She never uses them, right into the shed it goes and now she's rented a storage unit so she can get more stuff!  There is no talking to her about it and my mother in law has refused to take her to anymore yard sales. Also, god forbid you throw anything away!  She will go right out to the trash to get it.  You go to get a baking dish or something and pull out a styrofoam container meat comes in. It drives my mother in law nuts. She washes them and then expects you to reuse them!  Same with tinfoil. Our last unit we got a fridge, I had to lie to her and tell her it didn't work because she wanted to buy it and my mother in law was begging me with her eyes to not let her have it!   If she comes to my house on trash night she will start taking things out of the trash. We have to keep her far away when I am having a yard sale.  We have to keep my mom away when we have a yard sale too.

Does your significant other attend auctions with you?

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