Storage Auctions

Legal notices

Offline dbr831

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Legal notices
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:45:30 PM »
Who is responsible for posting a legal notice for a storage auction? There is a storage auction in the near future that I have heard about that may have a very valuable unit. I have been watching for a legal notice online to see if the unit I am interested in will be included. I called the auctioneer and was told that the facility does the legal notice and they (the auctioneer) have no idea where or when it will be posted. Now I thought the auctioneer did that. Does anyone know who is responsible for publishing a legal notice about a storage auction? I'm a little concerned that the auction will not be completely legal.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Legal notices
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2013, 10:54:09 PM »
To the best of my knowledge the storage facility does the posting of the legal notice. They are the ones who also send out the registered letters (those letters the delinquents say they never got).  The only additional services I have seen auctioneers provide in regard to the auction is the cutting of locks (for which they usually get $20 to $25 a lock) and DMV work for vehicles (this would be prior to the sale) and of course that's for a price too.

The one auctioneer/lock cutter I know also takes pics and fastens them to the info sheet for the facility...still, $25 bucks a lock is pretty good especially if it gets up above 5 or 6 locks !

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Re: Legal notices
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2013, 11:08:36 PM »
The storage facility is the landlord/lienholder and it is their responsibility.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Legal notices
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2013, 12:55:07 PM »
Tough thing about legal notices is they have to go in a paper but could be any paper. There's normally local papers for your city plus surrounding cities and they could post in any one of those. In some states they can also post in papers like the penny saver which aren't real newspapers. You never really knowwhere to look. I would find out which "newspaper" has the cheapest rates for posting a legal ad and check that one as storage facilites are already out ennough money they dont wanna pay a nice paper $175 to run an ad if they can get a small no name paper to do it for $20 and it still meets the legal requirement

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