Storage Auctions

Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?

Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« on: July 18, 2011, 06:34:55 PM »
So I have been a member on here for maybe a week now and just wanted to post something on here to maybe get the forums going. I've noticed after reading some older threads that there hasn't been much traffic on here, so hopefully we can get something going with this thread....

Just looking for some stories on how people started (newbie/veteran)...maybe how often they visit, best ways to find auctions, what they do with their findings...anything to get the conversation started! I am recently unemployed and looking for a job, but in the meantime I am going to venture into this cut throat hobby of storage auctioning. I use to dabble in some of these 7-10 years ago, but after recently going to one I see the television shows have attracted several people looking for the golden ticket!

So I will just go to some of these auctions and maybe land me a locker or's hear some of your stories!

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 08:03:49 PM »
So I have been a member on here for maybe a week now and just wanted to post something on here to maybe get the forums going. I've noticed after reading some older threads that there hasn't been much traffic on here, so hopefully we can get something going with this thread....

I don't know how much exploring of the site you've mentioned you read some of the older threads.
If you start on the home page and go down to the bottom of the page STATs area, there is a link to the most recent posts. If you click on that you'll get a popup of the threads done in the last few hours (or maybe half a day depending on the day) and at the bottom of THAT page you can  click on pages from previous hours (days).

That would give you the look at what is more current, and there are plenty of stories throughout the various areas, but of course we're always interested in new ones. 


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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 08:24:44 PM »
tell us a story MM!!

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 08:39:27 PM »
tell us a story MM!!


Once upon a time some fellows enjoyed a good living buying used items at auctions and selling them at a profit through various venues.

Then, the mean old (and greedy) reality television producers decided to show millions of tv watchers that THEY TOO could make money finding rare, valuable items in every storage auction lkr they bought.

After the TV shows came on, the crowds swelled, the prices went up and multitudes of newbies found out what it was like to clean out a lkr and deal with the stuff that COULDN'T be sold.

Things started to improve in May, June of 2011,  but then the reruns started and there were promises of new episodes from cities across the country, not just in southern California where every lkr had a surfboard, a quad, guns, gold coins, signed movie and rock TRULY EVERYONE could make a million buying lkrs.

Then, a few entrepreneurs decided "Hey, I can make money too...I'll sell books on how to make money buying lkrs AND I'll make lists of where all the sales are going to be !"  They flourished...just as the major money makers in the 1849 gold rush were those who sold shovels, booze, a hot bath or a hot bed !

So, the story goes is never ending and has both sad and happy tales to of those is "What's past is prologue."  We are in for more of the same.

Once others have provided the kind of story being sought in this thread, I'll contribute one or two of a comedian once said "I've got a million of 'em!"  ;D

Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2011, 09:21:52 PM »
ROLFLMAO!  That was awesome!

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2011, 09:22:24 PM »
Here is my story:

I very first got into storage auctions a few years back when I lost my stuff in storage. A friend of mine told me about the whole process and invited me out, I bought like 1 or 2 lockers back then. More of a treasure hunter more than anything, did not take it seriously, so that did not really get anywhere. Few years later I started dumpster diving, searching through CL and Freecycle for free or really cheap stuff and started selling those items for cash. Slowly I went from that to going to flea markets, garage sales, then estate sales. Then it was online auctions, mainly places like propertyroom and the like. Meanwhile I had pretty much forgotten about storage auctions. Till those shows came on, at that point I figured it is a good way to get loads of inventory for pennies on the dollar. So did my research on it, built my database of sales channels and facilities. Ended up subscribing to a place that gave me most of the facilities auction days. Went out to an auction, bidded but did not win on two lockers. Bought Glendon's book, went back out 3 days later after getting the book (took about 2 weeks to get it). And boom, got my first unit, slightly overpaid now I look back at it, but made a profit, could of made more if I got the signed sports memorabilia COA. Since then I have been pretty much hooked.

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2011, 09:24:29 PM »
ROLFLMAO!  That was awesome!

couldnt agree more :)

Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2011, 10:14:48 PM »
Movieman has a future I think we found his calling in life LMAO!!! <Hint> it isnt storage auctions... I almost went to sleep Then, the mean old (and greedy) reality television producers came out scarred me.  Whens the next chapter coming out? HAHAHAHA...

Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2011, 10:26:53 PM »
thanks for the entertainment Movieman...I do look at older threads and read some, but I was saying that I just don't see consistency on this forum as others I am on. Maybe cause there aren't too many involved in the business (which might be a good thing), but nonetheless just wanted to get some shared experiences.

Thanks jrossjr on that brief summery of how you got involved. Like I said earlier, I'm in-between jobs and was re-introduced like many from watching those crazy storage "reality" shows. I haven't made a locker purchase yet, but I will definitely keep everyone in the loop as to what I get! Good Luck to me this week and let's hear others.....

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2011, 10:29:04 PM »
Movieman has a future I think we found his calling in life LMAO!!! <Hint> it isnt storage auctions... I almost went to sleep Then, the mean old (and greedy) reality television producers came out scarred me.  Whens the next chapter coming out? HAHAHAHA...

I've told a story or two in my time (back in the day) so now truth be told my future IS in auction lkrs....what kind of future that is remains to be seen. (and now and again a story slips out).

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2011, 10:08:08 PM »
This one was DYNAMITE....or might have been!

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 08:12:15 PM »
Here's another bedtime story to keep you awake tonight:

Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2011, 09:30:12 PM »
This one was DYNAMITE....or might have been!

[/quoteinteresting....gonna check out your next one.

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2012, 10:14:03 AM »
Thought I would pop this thread back to the top as it has (IMO) 4 interesting stories from July of 2011.

Check out the posts above.

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Re: Looking for some great stories!!! - conversation starter?
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2012, 09:15:43 AM »
In consideration of the dwindling interest in this forum, and the immediate rantings of PappaPump, I will try to add some value to this forum and talk about a recent find. Although purhaps not that interesting, it's the best I got right now  ;)

In a recent storage unit I won I have what appears to be most of the main parts to an above ground pool. At first glance it appears I may be missing hardware (nots, screws, bolts, that sort of thing) put have the main components including the instruction manual. When things slow down a bit I am going to do a mock up assembly of all the pieces in the back yard and try to assertain what I am missing and if it is economically feasible to purchase the missing parts and make sure all the parts I have are not damaged. I have no idea what kind of market there is in a used complete above ground pool, or it's component parts, but if it turns out there is not much money in reselling it, and it won't be a big hassle time or money wise I may just keep it and install it in the back yard.

Thats all I got right now, enjoy!

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