Storage Auctions

Lost luggage auction.

Offline Zao24

Lost luggage auction.
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:19:18 PM »
Going to my first unclaimed luggage auction.  Anyone been to one of  these?  Any tips?  what's a good price to pay for a bag?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 10:25:34 PM »
Going to my first unclaimed luggage auction.  Anyone been to one of  these?  Any tips?  what's a good price to pay for a bag?

This is a case where I honestly think one should little as possible!

Not quite like evaluating a locker. I doubt they let you look inside do they? (never seen the tv show).

Anyway, I suppose you could evaluate the "bag" a little, but somehow I doubt a professional photographer with a fancy hardcase suitcase is going to forget to claim his bag.  Jewelry? Maybe...not in my bag. I would guess most people would carry it on the plane.

Let us know how the auction goes. Pretty dead on the threads lately.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 11:18:11 PM »
Years ago. But not much help to you. Olny went a few times. Mostly clothes (bet you wouldn't have guessed that, huh!?  lol) and that's not or me.

Back then it was a pallet all shrink wrapped. Pallet sold for something like .75cents a pound. You'd mark it. If more than one person marked it it went to auction. But only between those who's number was on it.
And bids were price per pound. So you constantly had to remember he math. Cause if someone jumped up a dollar....that could equate to a few hundred dollars.  Most pallets were 5-10 bags. 100-200lbs. (wieght was marked on bid form so you knew)

I heard they sell to an outside vendor now. Contracted to take it all at set price.

Luggage was big back then. So many lost bags. Today airlines are much better.

Not sure what contents would be now... if the TSA rules would help or hurt.

Would really like o her how it goes and the process.

Offline Zao24

Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 11:44:14 PM »
I will report back.  This place has an auction every week, but they usually take all the items out of the bags before hand and sell them individually (along with misguided freight items and overstock).  This is the first time they are auctioning off untouched bags.  There usually are some ipods and cameras from the luggage.  Don't think there's anything much better than that though.  Hopefully they're going on the cheap but it's well advertised so probably not.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 11:48:41 AM »
Pretty dead on the threads lately.

Ain't gonna get much fom me this week, that's for sure.

Ran thru listings and not a single auction in my area.  There is ONE on thursday 37miles away.
So jumped in estate sale mode and looking grim. Lots of them but listing don't show much in what I'd pick.
Will hit some local just to see but hopes are not high.

Wish I had the money. Would love to get my hands on some of this....

Offline Zao24

Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 11:39:46 PM »
Well the auction was in Toronto and turns out they were filming an episode of Baggage Battles.  Saw the odd antique couple from Storage Wars.

The good:

The show taping did not really affect the auction process much.  There were no re-takes like I heard about from the storage shows, and the auction pretty much went on as usual once you got past the fact that there were six cameras there.  There didn't seem to be any shenanigans or trickery going on.  In fact the auctioneer missed the casts bids a couple times. 

The bad:

I felt the prices were way too high.  Suit cases were going for $50-$200 each and back packs and small bags were going for $30+.
I went home empty handed.  I was tempted to get one just for the experience but I am an educated guesser, not a gambler.  Had the prices been more in line with what I thought would be reasonable, I would have given it a shot.

Also, the cast stuck out like a sore thumb.  We Canadians are very bland, not like these Hollywood types lol.

Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2012, 08:44:56 AM »
You would think with Atlanta being #1 or #2 airport in the US we would have a ton of auctions.  I think most of it gets sent or purchased by a major store in alabama I think it is.  It's a huge lost luggage store that sells everything.  My sister stopped in there on her way back from Huntsville and purchased a Nook.

I know in my area I've never seen one advertised.  Of course I don't know what the laws are in regard to luggage like that.  I'll have to try and look into it.  Bet you can find all sorts of interesting things in that luggage.  Maybe even more so than units.

Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2012, 08:47:33 AM »
Article on the store I mentioned earlier.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2012, 09:43:17 AM »
Article on the store I mentioned earlier.
Now a good name for a store could be called Abandoned storage unit center.

Offline Travis

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Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2012, 10:42:35 PM »
Well, if you start that store, see me when you need the domain for your website. I'm being facetious of course.  For those of you who don't know, I bought almost all of the top level domains for the baggage auction niche. It turns out, has the highest organic traffic. I thought would be the best but it turns out that its ranked third in traffic.

Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 09:51:51 AM »
You would think with Atlanta being #1 or #2 airport in the US we would have a ton of auctions.  I think most of it gets sent or purchased by a major store in alabama I think it is.  It's a huge lost luggage store that sells everything.  My sister stopped in there on her way back from Huntsville and purchased a Nook.

I know in my area I've never seen one advertised.  Of course I don't know what the laws are in regard to luggage like that.  I'll have to try and look into it.  Bet you can find all sorts of interesting things in that luggage.  Maybe even more so than units.

I called and emailed.  I was told Atlanta donates it to the local police departments and fire departments.  I would think it would have a huge auction... if you they actually have one, let me know please.  I know that USPS has a package auction once a month if you are interested in that

Offline Alias300

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Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 01:04:35 PM »
Along with that, if anyone knows of them in the NW hit me up. Doesn't really appeal to me but would hit one out of curiosity. Maybe it could turn into something.

I've done a quick look around and didn't find much.  Guess Ken's Baggage handles a lot of it but couldn't find a when or where....even with my extremely dedicated research......looked at their website, didn't see anything after a 30second glance and then started searching for dinner idea's.    ::)

Re: Lost luggage auction.
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 11:00:29 PM »
I'm going to my first one in July in NJ.  Auction scene has been dead in Long Island/New York area.  Locker counts are much lower and the ones that do go off are often total junkers.

I am interested in checking out one of the sea port giant shipping container auctions but info is few and far between

Lost money at the auction.

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